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Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Project Funding, Buy/Sell, and More 20120225

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Project Funding, Buy/Sell, and More 20120225


Please attend our Wednesday Weekly Conference Calls. We are fully 
transparent and real.

February 29, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 9: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL– $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES,  Project Funding, and More 

March 7, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 10: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL– $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES, Project Funding, and More 


The Good:

Our 10/100 Commercial Loan Program may be one of the best programs for viable businesses to obtain much needed capital infusion and for real estate developers to fund viable projects.


Everything you need to move forward and get funded is in the article.


If you have at least $100,000 in cash we have two very good programs:

1. Our Managed Buy/Sell minimum is $500,000 but Greg announced on the call of February 22nd that he will consider smaller accounts on a case-by-case basis. Historical returns have been 10% a month.

If you’d like a FREE copy of a new PDF created by our client, Michael, a frequent conference call attendee describing the Managed Buy/Sell in a clear, concise manner write me at or call me at 925-352-6000.

2. We have a Bank Trade that historically returns 20% a month. I know it’s mind-boggling but Mike told me today that he has been successful as a Principal placing clients.

Test them both. Place $100,000 or more and each and study the results for 13 months. You’ll be able to “crack your nut,” cover the “monthly burn” of your business, self-liquidate debt, and self-fund projects.


I was named Sales and Marketing Manager of Global Financial Center (GFC) of Auckland New Zealand and Panama City, Panama this week. I am still representing the Managed Buy/Sell Program. GFC gives you access to world class offshore private merchant banking products and services.

GFC is a new managed buy/sell client.

Visit and enter Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS Joe Tufo/CFSI to learn about all the world class offshore private merchant banking products and services.


The incredible shrinking man has lost 17 pounds since Super Bowl Sunday: that’s incredible in 20 days. My right foot injury prevented me from working out for a week. 


The Bad

The best way to get approved for funding or private placement programs is to be personable, humble, and respectful.

Some who contact us are rude, arrogant, and disrespectful.

Mind your manners and you’ll be welcomed into a world that will enable you to achieve your dreams in a fraction of the time.


The Ugly

Please don’t bring us leased instruments to monetize. Please don’t bring us incomplete applications. Please honor your commitments and keep your promises.


Dale and I are testing a new webhost and conference service so you’ll be seeing some changes in the next few weeks. Please be patient with us as we learn the new technology.

We are changing the mailing program as well. Starting next month all new registrants at will be part of the new program. The technology will be tested on webinars.

We will host separate calls:

Monday 4PM Eastern  Global Financial Center

Tuesday 4PM Eastern Global Financial Center Agent Training

The Monday and Tuesday calls are being scripted now. You”ll be notified in the coming weeks.

Wednesday 4PM Eastern Private Managed Buy/Sell

All calls will be recorded and posted at

As always I am available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer. Extended service hours for clients. Sunday is for Church and family.


Proverbs 3:5

New International Version (NIV)

 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;


6 in all your ways submit to him, 
   and he will make your paths straight.[a]


  1. Proverbs 3:6 Or will direct your paths






Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct
Referral Key: 

Skype:  jptufo
Please attend our Wednesday Weekly Conference Calls. We are fully 
transparent and real.

February 29, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 9: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL– $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES,  Project Funding, and More 
March 7, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 10: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL– $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES, Project Funding, and More 

Private Client Services $500k to $100m+, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, Financial Planning, and Business Consulting 

For access to information on raising capital for your business visit:

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation. 

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