BLOC E Requirements For Application

There are three things we need you to do before before we send the BLOC E application:

1. Sign and scan the fee agreement and return to The minimum fully

earned non-refundable business consultation fee is $2,500 to Cash Flow Specialists,

Inc. The program managers fee is $7,500 per corporation.


The funding amount varies between $100,000 to $150,000 with 70% credit lines and

30% credit cards as we discussed. If you choose to purchase more than one

corporation the program mangers fee is $7,500 per corporation and our fee is 1%,

$2,500 minimum, in other words if you apply for $500,000 the program managers fee is

$37,500 and our fee is $5,000 before the application is submitted. The success fee is

5% to us at funding.


2. Sign and scan the mutual NCND and return to


3. Wire or direct deposit $2,500 to our Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. account for each

application: scan and email the deposit receipt to


When I receive these three items I will send the application for BLOC E. As we

discussed I am your point of contact with the funding source I am available M-F 7AM to

5PM Pacific: first come, first served.


The funding process will take 60 to 90 business days from the time the completed

application is received by the program manager.


I encourage you to subscribe to that’s the main website that I

post new content to. There is a tremendous amount of content not just on business lines

of credit but also on large project funding, REO bundles, Proof of Funds, alternative

funding products and services, instructional video and audios, and more.


As you become affiliated by buying one or more products and services we will share

other websites that we own. Recently, Dale and I wrote a book on the basics of FOREX:

many clients obtain business lines of credit and then set aside 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% or

more and use this investment to self-liquidate their loan in five years or less Visit

www.thebasicsofforex to learn more.


We are directing all queries to you can post your question(s) and

we will answer in the form of a video so that all clients and referral partners will benefit

from the process.


If you are interested in Power Funding visit the vetting

process takes 15 business days and pre-approves you for one to 15 lending sources.


If you want to see an overview of products and services visit


To purchase blocks of time visit


As always we are here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.