If you are a healthcare provider that is concerned by your cash flow needs, let a Sxxxxxx professional help increase your working capital, allowing your practice to reach its full potential.

The dynamics of the healthcare industry have created an overwhelming need for capital. Providers are struggling to improve their revenue cycle and many see the need for operational assistance for every aspect of billing and collections. Healthcare providers that are facing any of the following challenges or opportunities should strongly consider Stearns as their financing partner:

• A need for additional working capital to sustain the provider’s operations.
• Financing for acquisitions or expansion of a practice.
• Financing for major capital purchases.
• Capital to take advantage of growth opportunities.
• Funding for retirement or buy outs of practitioners within the practice.
• Turnaround financing for troubled operations.

Sxxxxxx Financial Services offers a form of accounts receivable financing designed to accelerate cash flow by funding the provider on a daily basis for new charges generated by the provider’s practice. Stearns offers loan commitments up to three years and additional products and services such as lockbox services, operating and deposit accounts, and receivables management.


One response to “HEALTH CARE FINANCE”

  1. Joe Tufo Avatar
    Joe Tufo

    This is a tool that health care providers should use to accelerate their cash flow. Apply today.

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