BLOC $50k to $5m+, Large Project $10m+, REO, 093009

Greetings from the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area!

Dale and I are working hard on our dozens of websites. We continue introducing products and services. It’s a work in progress and I know that we have a long way to go. Thanks to all who have pointed out ways that we can improve. There are hundreds of pages of information on http://www.working

Here are some time statistics from Alexa:

Daily time on site for

7 day avg 11.5
1 month avg 6.3
3 month avg 9.8
3 month change 24%

The http// site as reported by Alexa:

Daily time on site for

7 day avg 22.0
1 month avg 18.7
3 month avg 15.3
3 month change -18%

1. Business Line of Credit (BLOC)

We have four  sources with no up front fees, one source with a $1,750 fee for “Power Funding” and one source with heavy front end fees.

This is a mini newsletter that I sent out the morning of September 30, 2009:


Newsletter updates are posted at Webinars are Friday mornings at 9:30am Pacific for subscribers. They last about 90 minutes. It’s a Q&A forum.

We have six Business Line of Credit providers.

We have severed our relationship with BLOC Source E Mitch because of his inability to fund. We stand by ready to assist each client who participated in Mitch’s program and was not funded. In fact we just got Maria of San Diego approved for funding two days after she completed this application:

This is a generic pre-qualification application that is thorough. It worked for Maria who has a 695 mid-score and it may work for you too. Incidentally, you must register for and provide your user name and password if you move forward with us so that we can access your credit report without posting hard inquiries.

Maria was told that she will fund in 30 to 45 business days. The firm is a licensed credit improvement company.

If you want to learn about Business Lines of Credit you’ll want to purchase this course:

Commercial Loans

Business Line of Credit Video

Our Large Project Funding Source C just funded a start-up business in Egypt $25 million. The story is posted at

Subscribe to our websites and learn how to fund your project, start-up, real estate project, or dream.

Here’s a list:

Monster Corporations to $5 million

by Joe Tufo[edit]

Up to $5 Million in Funding!

Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. and its agents have designed our Monster Corporations for business owners, investors, and entrepreneurs with capital needs. These corporations are fully documented with tax returns that are verifiable with the Internal Revenue. In addition, assets are also included with these corporations.

Our Monster Corporations are a subsidiary of a parent corporation allowing us to use its assets and cash flow. It mirrors the parent corporation and the parent company actually moves cash to the Monster Corporation to support the operational expenses.

-The Client is purchasing a Monster Corporation through a stock sale:
-Fully documented corporation.
-Minimum of score on Experian of 80
-The funding for a Monster Corporation is from $3 million and up to $5 million (USD).
-Upon successful funding of the corporation, the client will remit a success fee.

-The client is to have a FICO score of 725 and above. We cannot guarantee any funding amounts if client is unable to maintain his credit worthiness or by any future derogatory listing on their credit report or changes in their debts to high credit limits. Our ability to fund the Monster Corporation is up to $5 million (USD). Our vendor Hector will guarantee $1.5K (USD) in funding; however, we cannot guarantee guarantor as guarantor must maintain credit worthiness; i.e., maintain credit scores at or above 725 minimum FICO for all credit bureaus; Equifax, Transunion and Experian.

-Also, to maintain a debt to balance ratio on all personal credit cards of 30% or less, no derogatory credit and no major purchases as this could have adverse effects to ones credit worthiness which in turn can eliminate guarantor from obtaining desired line of credit.

-Free of all liens and judgments and in good standing with the state of issuance.

Call us 1-800-669-2700

The cost for a corp up to $1.5m is $60,000 plus our 1% fee. The cost for up to $3m is $120,000 plus our 1% capped at $25,000. There are four openings to year end 2009: first come , first served.

The back end fee is 15% of which five points is paid to us. Funding time is 90 to 120 days.

They did close a cooperative client recently in 82 days.

Remember that we are here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific and 8AM to 12 noon Saturday (Saturdays  until the Holidays).

May God shine His face upon you and call you blessed!

2. Large Project Funding

Please remember that we have several large project funding sources that will fund from $2 million to hundreds of millions.

Testimony Large Project Funding Source C $25m


I just received this from a Google Alert:

Large Funding Source C

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Wall Street based internationally licensed law firm and financial services institution LP Source C,  organized, negotiated and closed a direct investment capital funding package for a private start-up business in Cairo, Egypt.

The $25 Million funding by LP Source C was a direct investment by a French investment consortium, with a 20% temporary equity interest in the project as collateral security.  The successful closing was made possible by innovative legal work of LP Source C, providing a stronger form of equity security contract to satisfy the European lender.

LP Source C, led by its original founder Matthew Greene, a prominent economic security and international relations expert, structured the loan in accordance with Muslim principles.  Instead of interest on the loan, LP Source C legal work resulted in the equity security collateral being convertible to a one-time profit sharing payment of 20% of profits at the time of repayment of the loan.

Using the successful funding arranged by LP Source C, the Egyptian real estate development company is undertaking construction projects to use design elements of traditional ancient Egyptian architecture in modern buildings, combined with aesthetic design elements of traditional Muslim architecture, to preserve and promote Egyptian and Arabic culture in modern construction projects.  This is expected to beautify local cities, increase overall attractiveness of an area to tourists, and increase the marketability of residential and commercial buildings constructed.

Egyptian government authorities praised the initiative of LP Source C, and the politics of its founder Matthew Greene, in promoting cultural policies in the construction industry to strengthen national identity and attractiveness of national culture to foreigners.

(Case results depend on many factors unique to each case, including facts of a case and decisions of independent third parties.  No firm can guarantee a positive result in any particular case.)

3. REO

We have access to residential and commercial REO’s direct from the FDIC. We do have other sources as well.

You may be interested in this upcoming event:

The commercial real estate market is facing unprecedented challenges in the current financial meltdown. CRE lenders and CMBS special servicers are confronted by non-performing and troubled loans, while CRE borrowers requiring refinancing for incomplete, devalued and troubled assets need to find new sources of financing to rescue their investments. By the same token, opportunities to buy have never been better. However, only those investors who truly understand current market conditions and the optimal techniques to navigate through the minefields of the current market will be able to take full advantage of these opportunities.

As a result, Infocast has organized the 2nd Annual Distressed Commercial Real Estate Summit East. Industry players will gather to explore opportunities in distressed commercial real estate in leading Eastern market areas. The Summit is an exciting regional event designed to provide the latest market intelligence on distressed CRE investing and create a high-powered networking platform for buyers and sellers of distressed commercial properties and loans. It brings together some of the industry’s leading players—servicers, owners, buyers and sellers—to discuss the key market trends in distressed CRE, such as: What is the current market for opportunities? When is the right time for investors to pull the trigger? What are the opportunities in distressed property and commercial paper? How are banks, insurance companies, and CMBS special servicers responding to their distressed loans and what strategies and processes are they adopting to workout troubled loans? What debt and equity are available to save distressed deals?

Finding distressed deals is all about meeting people and developing relationships. So, please join us for this high-level networking event where servicers, owners, buyers and sellers will gather together and where you can build the all-important relationships and gain the invaluable insights that will enable you to successfully seize the distressed CRE opportunities in today’s market.

Receive detailed briefings on:

  • Market challenges and opportunities
  • Rescue financing – availability and players
  • TALF, PPIP, FDIC, other governmental incentive programs and investment opportunities
  • State of the CMBS and CDO markets
  • Bankruptcy and restructuring opportunities, including DIP lending
  • Investment opportunities in the commercial paper market

Pre-Summit Workshop Nov 4, 2009

Investing in the Loan Secondary Market – What You Need to Know

Get the latest information on the loan market and learn about the best strategy for structuring your bid for distressed commercial real estate.

Join Investors, Lenders, CMBS Special Servicers, Commercial Paper Buyers, and Owners/Operators to Explore Opportunities in Distressed Commercial Real Estate

Click Here to Download a Complete Conference Brochure


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