For those skeptics that don’t believe that alternative Trade Platforms and Private Placement Programs exist:

For those skeptics that don’t believe that alternative Trade Platforms and Private Placement Programs exist:

This came in Thursday July 15th:

July 15th , 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The platform got out of the gate strong and we know you’re all elated to see the level of returns thus far. However, we are in need of everyone’s assistance and support. We received notification from the platform’s management they have received a large volume of calls asking for profits, daily status and what the traders are trading throughout the month. This is unacceptable and will cause significant damage to our ongoing relationship.

This is not a retail managed Trade Platform we cannot afford to continue in this manner. Subsequently, we have been asked to assist in limiting the amount of calls and emails to the trade platform’s support team. MBAH can provide the best level of support to you and we are willing to answer questions, if we do not know the answers we will get the answers.

We also received notification from the Platform all requested redemptions/profits have been processed, the wires sent and confirmed for those who’ve requested the profits from your accounts. There is no need to send multiple requests. The trade platform support team will respond in writing once your request has been acknowledge and processed within 24 hours.

Your statements are available after your account has been settled for the calendar month’s trading activity.

Please do not expect these the very next day after the close of the month. In addition, those clients who need to fund projects must realize the platform is dependent on the power of compounding in achieving investment goals. Withdrawals of profits prior to the funds lock up period put undue strain on the trading, leverage and margining to accomplish each client’s goal.

Also, it is important that everyone understand the offering you received and in which you are currently participating is unique in structure; the fund is not structured to take on individual clients with participation at such low levels.

In regards to bring others we respectfully ask that you refer the clients to us in lieu of trying to structure the business directly with the platform.

The platform will simply not ascertain clients under Twenty Five Million Dollars, which is why MBAH brings clients in aggregate to fill the offering.

The same protocol must be followed with each and every one of you went through to qualify and receive an offering.

We are available to meet with the new people you are attempting to bring, the same as we’ve done for you.

We expect everyone to adhere to the terms that were set forth between you, the client, MB Assets and the platform. We appreciate your continued support.

On behalf of MBAH

Kindest Regards,

Robert Mxxxxx Senior Director

Joseph P. Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
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