I received this August 11, 2009. If you have the liquidity and want to participate you may want to consider this opportunity:

August 11, 2009

Hello Joe,

as per our phone conversations, here is an outline about the so called 300K Program: The client has to be aware that the funds have to be placed in to an escrow account with a Law Firm here in the US.

Initial Escrow of $300,000.00

The purpose of this transaction is to Lease a 100 M T-Bill in cooperation with a Security Firm in London, UK, and utilize the T-Bill in a private placement program with another trade platform in Europe. Due to the fact that the platform will accept the 100M T-Bill as a trade-able instrument, they also will internally hypothecate the instrument with approx US$ 70 Million, the actual amount traded is approx. $ 170 Million.

The security firm will have an understanding with the platform that the T-Bill will be returned prior to maturity free, clear and unencumbered. Said platform has a track record of at least 10 years.
The initial escrow amount is the security deposit for the SWIFT and Attorney
fees for the leasing of the T Bill, to handle the paperwork, transfer of
cash and T Bill and fees that are required upfront.

The entire transaction is prepared and handled through the law offices from John Marino Esq., he will also introduce the client to the securities firm and the platform, it is therefore necessary that the client will travel either to London, UK or Zurich, Switzerland, where the actual trade contracts will be signed, and the clients presence is necessary.

As is stands right now, the funds will be placed immediately into a 40 week program, payout will take place on a monthly basis. The profits from approx. 20 % per month (I know this is rather low, and I don’t want to hear that there are better programs out there): subject to availability, acceptance and contract, and will be split as follows:

50 % of the gross profits to the platform;

The remaining 50% will be shared under a Joint Venture agreement between the client and the Law Offices from John Marino, – 60% to the client and 40% to the Law offices from John Marino, he will pay all the intermediaries.

I will enclose a sanitized copy from the escrow agreement and the profit sharing agreement.

The additional documents will only be released to the client after the funds have been placed into escrow.

If the client is willing to place the amount into escrow, and all other documents are signed and accepted from the participating institutions, the client can expect that he has to travel to Europe in the first week of September 2009.

Soon as we are in receipt of your documents, we will set up a conference call with John Marino Esq., – he is currently travelling in Europe and is due to be back in the US on August 20th, 2009. John will explain the transaction in the greatest detail, and if you are ready to enter this transaction you will also meet the actual trader, this will either be in London, UK or Zurich Switzerland.

Yours truly,
