Author: Joe Tufo
“The Basics of Forex” New by Dale & Joe
Dale and I just finished writing a book on the Basics of Forex. You’ll find it at It is available in ebook and video format.
Use Satisfaction Laws To Avoid Bankruptcy – Save 60%!
Is your back up against the wall? Do you have “more month than money?” Contemplating Bankruptcy? Then you’ll want to visit Listen to the video and study the chart our attorney owned firm (a former Deputy Attorney General in CA) has 10 years experience saving thousands of consumers and businesses hundreds of millions of…
Trading Program For Large Projects
This came in Thursday Evening May 21, 2009 from one of our seasoned bankers on behalf of a client who retained us in December 2008: He can start with 300K, more is better; PPP: $300K Here is the basic break down of the Program: The program basically works like this…. A. Principal JVs with the…
REO Packages Available! Limited Time-Act Fast!
Joe: Here is the summary of the packages as we discussed on the phone. Please call for any questions you have. Package Descriptions 1) Los Angeles, CA 99 Single Family homes BPO = 20,788,073 Price = 11,433,440 3.0% fees included in the Price zip codes:90001,90002,90003,90026, 90037, 90011,90016 90018,90022,90032,90042,90044,90047,90059,90060,90061,90063,90065 2) Orange County, CA 73 Single Family…
Proof of Funds Application Questions
PRICE QUOTE CHECK LIST LEASED SBLC/ BG/SWIFT/POF Loan Amount Requested (US Dollars):$_______________________________ What type of product are you looking for (please check by bolding or circling): Standby Letter of Credit, Bank Guarantee, Bank Capability Letter, Medium Term Note, MT 760 POF, MT 799 POF, TEAR SHEET POF Is this a lease…
This came in from Large Project Source A Friday May 1, 2009: PROOF OF FUNDS- $ – LEASED INSTRUMENTS Bank of America, Sun Trust, Chase, Other Banks Available, No credit check required. BEST PRICE GUARANTEE we will beat any competitors price guaranteed Top 25 US Banks Pick your Bank , No credit check required. In the…
Business Strategy
In today’s competitive economy, an entrepreneur or business owner must be at the top of his game each and every day. All it takes for financial catastrophe to occur is the failure to take quick, decisive action at the exact moment it is required. The only way to make sure the right action is taken…
Unsecured Debt Overwhelming? Satisfy Debts 40 cents on the $
HELP For Those With Plastic Problems It used to be that most folks didn’t worry when money got tight because the minimum payments on their credit cards were as little as 2% – you didn’t make a dent in the principal but at least you could keep current. That was then, this is now –…
How to Please Your Customers
There are two qualities that separate those who succeed from those who do not. One is the ability to assess self-performance and to identify challenges and areas for improvement. The other skill is to actually make the changes that have been identified, in other words “Take Action.” This may sound easy, but most people don’t…
Applications? Are We Right For You? Are You Right For Us?
We receive several requests a week for our services. Some business people find our websites: Others are referred by their Attorney, CPA, Financial Planner, Insurance Agent or Broker, Commercial Realtor, The American Cash Flow Association, Credit Restoration Specialist, Loan Agent or Broker, Banker, Architect, Business Valuation Specialist or some other referral source.…
Fitch’s US Credit Card Index Shows Chargeoffs Up to a Record 8.41%
This confirms the ongoing increase in credit card delinquencies and charge-offs and why interest rates will continue to climb on unsecured credit cards. If you are faced with a mountain of unsecured business and personal debt and are contemplating bankruptcy, STOP! and go to and learn how you can Reduce Your Debt by 60%…
Moody’s Expects Credit Card Charge-off Rate to Reach 12%
What this indicates is that the cost of borrowing money on credit cards is going to continue to increase. It’s also clear that if you want a FRESH START that you need to visit and learn how to resolve your debts for 40 cents on the dollar, GUARANTEED! The Moody’s Credit Card Index charge-off…
Keep It Simple and Short!
I was on the phone early this morning (Saturday April 25, 2009) with my mentor and friend, Greg, who is our Large Project Source A Investment Banker. Greg emphasized that most clients don’t have a clue on how to properly present their project. He likes to see presentations that keep it simple and short. 85%…
PROOF OF FUNDS/ LEASE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS BG- BANK GUARANTEE SBLC-STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT SWIFT MT-760: MT-760 SWIFT MT-799: MT-799 MEDIUM TERM NOTES BCL- BANK CONFIRMATION / COMFORT LETTER Financial Instruments such as Stand by Letter of Credits, Bank Capability Letters, Bank Guarantees, and POF (Tear Sheets, MT 799, and MT 760) from banks such as…