Category: Asset Monetization
10/100 Commercial Loan and Project Funding $2m to $1b+
At one time you asked me about commercial loans and/or project funding. You are welcome to register on our website and enter Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS We will vet you in two to three business days and provide a user name and password. You can enter our website with your user name and password and open a…
Facts on Project Funding, Exempt Programs 15% to 20% a Month and More Lessons Learned 20120324
Facts on Project Funding, Exempt Programs 15% to 20% a Month and More Lessons Learned 20120324 Facts on Project Funding: If you have a viable project that needs funding we can help you. Underwriting Qualifications: 1. $2,000,000.00 (USD) and up. 2. Documents required: • Business Plan • Capital Expenditure Budget • Executive Summary • Last three (3)…
The Sooner The Better: Nine Clients Paid This Week, Why Not You?
The Sooner The Better: Nine Clients Paid This Week, Why Not You? We have three more clients being paid next week in our Private Managed Buy/Sell Program and then 12 more being paid by the end of the month. (That’s my clients not the programs clients) This is a great program and one that you…
How To Find Financial Advice You Can Trust: Wednesdays 4PM Eastern, Sign-Up Now!
How To Find Financial Advice You Can Trust: Wednesdays 4PM Eastern, Sign-Up Now! MERRY CHRISTMAS! We discuss our private managed buy/sell program, project funding, and asset monetization live every Wednesday at 4PM Eastern, 3PM Central, 2PM Mountain, and 1PM Pacific. Calls last about an hour. Ask any question you want. Please attend…
Global economy IMPLODING! Take immediate action!
Global economy IMPLODING! Take immediate action! The capital markets are in full-scale meltdown mode just as I predicted last weekend. The Dow Industrials have lost almost 750 points in just seven trading days. The S&P 500 has shed 8.1% since its late October high, while the Nasdaq Composite has tanked 8.4%. It’s easy to see…
Managed Money: Double Digit Monthly Returns; Wednesday Conference Call 4PM Eastern, Project Funding, and Asset Monetization.
Managed Money: Double Digit Monthly Returns; Wednesday Conference Call 4PM Eastern, Project Funding, and Asset Monetization. The Holidays are coming quickly. Are you ready? Why not give the gift that keeps on giving? By placing just $100,000 in our Commodity Managed Buy/Sell Program you will earn 10% a month, 120% each year. The program has…
Several Wednesday call participants have requested information on how the gold commodity buy sell works with owned instruments of $1,000,000 or more. I’ve attached three documents. The first is an overview of the Gold Commodity Buy/Sell operation. The second explains placing owned instruments. The third is a Client Information Summary. We have several clients that…
What Do You Want From Future Calls? Meet The Trade Group CEO and More
I hope the call was of interest and benefit to you. In order to make future calls more valuable I’d like to know what your expectations are so that we can be of highest value to you and those whom you choose to refer. What do you want from future calls? How can we meet…
New Bridge Loan Program Discussed 7/27/11 – Ali
As you know we work on a priority/non-priority basis which is explained in detail on our websites: To subscribe to our newsletters double opt-in at You are welcome to participate in future Wednesday weekly conference calls. For future calls email me at or call me at 925-352-6000 cell. Here are the next…