Category: Preparation
April 27, 2011 4-PMEDT Live Conference Call
Listen to Chris P, our 23-year CEO of our favorite small-cap trading program patiently answer questions of registered attendees. Audio
May18, 2011 4PM EDT Live Conference Call
Learn strategies to diversify your investment portfolio. Listen in to a live call complete with Q&A from registered participants. 1. Small Capital Private Client private Trade Programs 2. Project Funding $25m+ 3. Asset Monetization More High returns, mitigated risk, choose success over yield.
Project Financing and Customized Funding Solutions
Project Financing and Customized Funding Solutions We are establishing a business relationship with an international lender, operating out of Panama, interested in funding projects that make sense in jurisdictions that are politically stable. That being said, every project is considered on its own merit and compensating factors are always considered. As a Private…
Craig Field Testimony 20110520
Joe, in regard to our personal and working relationship I have truly enjoyed your insight and assistance in our mutual undertakings. You and I have built a loyal and professional relationship and these kinds of connections only continue to grow with time. Joe, I consider you to be a good friend. There’s not much more to be said…
Draft Copy Status Quo Bias
This is a draft copy of a special report that we’ll be offering for sale on our website. Paid subscribers to our will automatically have access to this report, 500+ articles, dozens of audios, and the past couple of years of newsletters. The Top 10 Rules of Portfolio Diversification by Joseph P. Tufo,…
Small Capital Trade Programs: An Opportunity For You
Small Capital Trade Programs: An Opportunity For You Another Private Client Private Trade Testimony 20110512 by JOE TUFO[EDIT] Thank you Joe for the opportunity to work with you. I now have my first client in and I look forward to submitting many more to you. The program is by far the best one I have come…
Myth v Reality PCPT 20110511 Chris P Live From New Zealand
Listen in as our 23-year experienced offshore trader, Chris P. separates myth from reality on the Private Client Private Trade programs. You’ll hear him patiently listen to many questions from the audience. You’ll hear him attack a joker-broker. Another Private Client Private Trade Testimony 20110512 by JOE TUFO[EDIT] Thank you Joe for the opportunity to…
Documentary Credit Banking Instruments For Qualified Buyers
Dear Sir Regarding BG’s and MTN’s – as you know we are in the business of providing these documentary credit banking instruments to qualified buyers. If they wish to avail of our services they are required to provide a full CIS and LOI setting forth their requirements – both in var addthis_config = {“data_track_clickback”:};
Another Private Client Private Trade Testimony 201105122
Dear Joe: I am writing to thank you again for hosting a tremendously informative conference call yesterday with Trader Chris P. As a registered SEC/FINRA investment banker, I deal each day with the misperceptions among investors with regard to PPP and Managed Buy/Sell programs and how frequently investors confuse PPP with the speculative market making…
Another Private Client Private Trade Testimony 20110512
Thank you Joe for the opportunity to work with you. I now have my first client in and I look forward to submitting many more to you. The program is by far the best one I have come across in the market and is the only one that I have found that is actually performing. The…
Another Testimony From a Licensed Investment Banker 20110510
Joe, Thanks so much…and also for taking the time to introduce me to Dave…you are the absolute best. Best, EC, Managing Director
Wednesday Weekly Conference Call May 4, 2011
This was a special treat. Here’s a testimony that came in Friday May 6, 2011: Greetings Joe, This is Mikal and I would like to thank you for inviting me to a refreshing and uplifting conference call this past Wednesday. Joe you know you and I have been going back and forth through out the…