How We Work

From the desk of Joe Tufo...

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Here’s a little background on me.

For the past 20 years I’ve been helping people just like you obtain funding for their commercial real estate, businesses, startup funding, obtain project collateral to enhance funding, and large project funding on a global basis.

Over this time I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs secure billions in funding for businesses of all kinds… from home based businesses, to Real Estate Investing, to business lines of credit, to collateral enhanced projects, to leveraged buyouts, to large projects … and everything in between.

Our “sweet spot” is $25 million to $500 million with our preferred funder however they have almost unlimited funding capability. As long as you have viable projects and a minimum 3.5% cash for the collateral fee you will fund quickly – 30 to 45 banking days which is six to nine weeks as long as you bank with a Top 50 world bank. Smaller banks are inherently problematic in my experience.

We have several other funders including Banks, Hedge Funds, Family Offices and Private Lenders. Each has different Underwriting Requirements.

The most successful travel and meet me in the San Francisco Bay Area and prepay a day or more which is credited to commissions at closing. Fund your viable projects now!

By the way, I’ve participated in many business funding seminars from the International Hard Money Conference, various Real Estate Investment Clubs, Various Webinars, Radio Shows, and was a member of The American Cash Flow Association until it ceased operations.

It has taken a lot of time, effort, and some painful experiences to develop the winning formulas that help businesses get the funding they need… especially in today’s economy.

But I’m happy to say that because of what I’ve learned there isn’t a business or business idea out there that can’t find the capital it needs.

It’s pretty easy to do too…

I’ve broken it down into a simple 5 step process…

***Step 1: Determine exactly how much capital you need for your business.

***Step 2: Learn the different types of business capital available to you.

***Step 3: Determine what type of funding is the right fit for your business.

***Step 4: Find the best source of funding which matches your needs.

***Step 5: Put together a deal that makes sense for your business today and down the road.

And it doesn’t matter how much you need either… whether you need $500,000 or $500 Million or more the process is exactly the same and you can get it

Our websites are at which is about 1800 pages (July ’19) and our subscription site which has more content. It also archives the newsletters.

When you hire us to work on a priority VIP basis we thoroughly study your submission package to make sure that it complies with our recommended Road Map to Funding Success. Funding has always been about presentation. Those who present well are funded. Those who don’t present well are not funded.

The key ingredients to funding success, in our experience, have been:

  1. A powerful Executive Summary of one to four pages. You can purchase our template and video review at

  2. Bio’s of key personnel.

  3. A detailed use of funds broken down monthly for the first year and quarterly thereafter.

  4. A 5-year proforma and written Exit Strategy.

When we meet face-to-face we’ll review the following questions:

What do you expect from us?

• What is your current pain?

• What keeps you awake at night?

• How do you see us helping you address these challenges and opportunities?

• What growth plans do you have?

• If price were not an issue, what role would you want us to play in your business?

• Do you expect capital needs? New financing?

• Do you anticipate any mergers, purchases, divestitures, recapitalizations, or reorganizations in the near future?

• We know you are investing in total quality service, as are we. What are the service standards you would like for us to provide you?

• How important is our satisfaction guarantee to you?

• How important is rapid response? What do you consider rapid response?

• Why are you changing professionals? What did you not like about your former firm that you do not want us to repeat?*

• How did you enjoy working with your former firm?**

• Do you envision any other changes in your needs?

• Are you concerned about any of your asset, liability, or income statement accounts to which we should pay particularly close attention?

• If we were to attend certain of your internal management meetings as observers, would you be comfortable with that?

• How do you suggest we best learn about your business so we can relate your operations to the financial information and so we can be more proactive in helping you maximize your business success?

• May our associates tour your facilities?

• What trade journals do you read? What seminars and trade shows do you regularly attend? Would it be possible for us to attend these with you?

• What is your budget for this type of service?

* We never denigrate the predecessor. First, this insults you and reminds you of a poor decision. Second, it diminishes respect and confidence in the profession as a whole and lowers the public’s perception of our professionalism.

** Even though you are changing firms, it is almost certain that you liked certain characteristics of the predecessor. We want to find out what those were and exceed them. For instance, if you said the prior firm always returned phone calls within one day, we strive to return phone calls within four hours.

Non-Priority – If you think that you’ve “nailed it” when preparing the four key ingredients to funding success, and you aren’t in any hurry at all to fund and aren’t quite ready to pay consultation fees then we’ll take a look at your project when we can get to it. After we look at it we may need to send it back because you don’t meet our requirements. (Priority VIP Clients get major help from us in cleaning up their submission.) We’ll return your calls and emails when we can: after all, priority VIP clients come first.

We reserve the right to review each submission once, beyond that our consultation fee will be required. If you submit for free we can’t spend a lot of time. It’s not fair to us, our families, or our Priority Clients.

In our experience we can fund 1/3 of the files that cross our desks, 1/3 are DOA – Dead on Arrival, and the final 1/3 are broken and need to go through some form of remediation which can take hours, days, weeks, months, or years.


With 40+ years of Financial Services experience we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Working Capital Fast

Money to Solve Cash Flow Needs

Why We Say NO! A Lot and Mean It


Many times throughout each day we receive calls from folks like you: referrals, referral partners, past clients, current clients, prospective clients, or someone who Googled one of our websites.

Invariably, you tell us that your project or start-up is “the greatest thing since sliced bread,” is a “billion dollar idea,” We’d “be a fool if we didn’t drop everything and devote all our time for free to get you funded.”

To each of you who expect us to work for free we have this to say – NO! NO! NO! A thousand times NO!


It’s not that we’re uninterested or impolite it’s just that we’ve heard it thousands of times. Here’s our thoughts:

  • Do we have the time?

  • Will we feel pressured to get it done?

  • Will we be upset with ourself?

  • Will we be resentful of the other person?

  • Will we feel duped, had, or swindled?

  • What do we have to give up to do this?

  • What can we gain (What’s in it for us?)

No is our first option instead of the propensity to say yes that emanates from wanting to please, wanting to be liked, needing to be needed, being timid, avoiding confrontation, not knowing our rights, or feeling: plain and simple, that we should.

We’re in the consulting and funding business. With 42 years (November 1976 to present) of financial services experience in insurance, securities, and finance we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

We charge a fee because we do this full-time: 50 hours scheduled a week plus another 20+ hours a week working on the websites, writing articles and newsletters, holding webinars and other tasks to help each of you.

We take on committed paying clients and then focus all of our effort and energy in getting you funded.

In our 20+ years experience in this business about 1/3 of what crosses our desks we can fund (you may not like the rates, terms and conditions but we can fund you), 1/3 is DOA – Dead on Arrival – even with the thousands of pages of information we’ve published, dozens of books and courses we’ve published – let’s face it many of you can’t or won’t follow instructions, and the final 1/3rd is broken: your credit sucks, you have no business credit profile, you have more than three inquiries, you have derogatories, liens and judgments – you’re a mess and it will take days, weeks, months, or years to fix.

So it’s not that we want to say NO! It’s just that we have a way that we do business well and that works for us: pay us our fully earned, non-refundable commitment fee of $50,000 for each project of $5,000,000 or above (1% minimum $10,000 per project $50,000 maximum per project for six months of service). We’ll roll up our sleeves, put on our thinking cap and get to work.

We have REAL funding sources that fund viable projects. Your project can be next.

As always we are available M-F 8AM to 6PM Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.