Facts on Project Funding, Exempt Programs 15% to 20% a Month and More Lessons Learned 20120324


Facts on Project Funding:

If you have a viable project that needs funding we can help you. 


Underwriting Qualifications:


1. $2,000,000.00 (USD) and up.

2. Documents required:

• Business Plan

• Capital Expenditure Budget

• Executive Summary

• Last three (3) years of financial statements

• Incorporation Documents

• Corporate Structure Outlined

• Passports of all officers and directors

• All documents must be submitted to the underwriting department at

www.thegfc.biz Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS Joe Tufo/CFSI



Here are some other ideas for you:



Traditional Funding sources are “cherry picking” their deals and fewer than 10 in 1,000 are being accepted today.

Consider alternative funding sources and self-fund your viable projects and ideas.



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ay 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Calls. 
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Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client and/or Agent:
http://www.thegfc.biz Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
As a registered offshore financial company The Global Financial Center (GFC) provides banking services to sophisticated offshore entities including Trusts, Foundations and International Business Corporations (I.B.C.).
The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) has outlined “know your client” rules that The GFC must adhere to, to maintain good standing with the New Zealand securities commission and with the international financial community.
The GFC does not take citizens of sovereign countries as its clients. Those citizens need to acquire an I.B.C. and/or a Trust and/or a Foundation in order to use the services.
The GFC can assist individual citizens to acquire and setup their offshore structures so they may access the incredible opportunities provided.
These structures may then setup a savings account which a debit/visa will be issued to the signatory to access money on a 24/7/365 day per year basis. Once this is done the client may then allocate their money towards the various investment opportunities available through The GFC and its partners.


Exempt Programs 15% to 20% a Month

We have programs that pay 15% a month AU Peru for 12 months and 20% a month Lloyd’s insurance wrap for 10 months.

These programs are ideal for sophisticated, accredited investors.

Register to access more information:


Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client and/or Agent:
http://www.thegfc.biz Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS





As always I am available M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.


Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct
Skype:  jptufo
Referral Key: http://www.refrralkey.com/joetufo 

Please attend our Mond

ay 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Calls. 
We are fully 

transparent and real.
Registration Form URL: http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=EC55DE84864F
For quick access to registration.
Private Client Services $100k to $100m+, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, Onshore and Offshore Financial Planning, and Business Consulting 

Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client and/or Agent:
http://www.thegfc.biz Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation. 
Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer

Joe Tufo
GFC Sales and Marketing Manager
Auckland,New Zealand
Panama City,Republic of Panama
925-352-6000 Cell
Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
Skype: jptufo
Available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific

Monday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference call Global Financial Center
Please attend our Monday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Calls. We are fully transparent and real.
Registration Form URL:	http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=EC55DE84864F
For quick access to registration.
Tuesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call GFC Agents Training
Wednesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call Registered Clients