If You Want To Know How To
Profit During The Coming
Depression – Read This…
After watching my friends and family members lose a massive piece of their savings and retirement money in 2008, I swore to myself that I’d never let that happen again…
After watching the banks and government sell our children’s future into debt slavery, I swore I’d do whatever I could, to save as many as I can…
But I’m going about it in a different way… I’m not holding signs and sleeping in a park… I’m not whining and bitching to the clowns in Washington, hoping that they’ll make things all better…
Instead, Richard, Greg and I decided to help 20 to 25 people every week on our weekly conference calls and teach them the black-box investing strategies of the ultra-rich…
Because you’re being lined up for slaughter right now, and deep down inside your gut, you know it…
Despite the attempts by the mainstream media to convince you otherwise, every major country in the Western world is bankrupt, and beyond the point of no return.
It is mathematically impossible for a recovery to actually take place.
The rich know this, which is why they’re quietly selling their stocks like crazy…
In fact, just in October alone, company insiders were selling at a ratio of 19 to 1. So for every share they purchased, they sold 19…
Because they know something you don’t.
If you think we are going “back to normal” anytime soon… If you keep your money in your IRA, 401K, or stocks… You risk losing everything you have.
You see, major economic collapses like this happen every 80 to 100 years…
The last one here in the US resulted in the Great Depression, and that is what we are on the verge of here again today…
There were two types of people in the Great Depression… The general public who lost every thing they owned and had ever worked for…
And those with inside knowledge that allowed them to profit during times of economic chaos.
That’s why more people became Millionaires during the Depression, than any other time in history up until that point.
But there is no middle ground… You will either lose what you have, or come out the other side wealthier than you have ever been – IF – you know how…
Cracking that code… Learning how the ultra-rich of the world turn times like these into opportunity is the mission of Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.…
Over the past 12 months alone, we’ve taught average ordinary people from around the world just like you how to save themselves from the coming collapse, and how to even profit…
If you have money in the S&P 500, you’ve lost -20.2% since 2007.
Even Warren Buffett himself is down -26% since 2007…
And yet the investment strategies we’ve implemented over the past year alone have returned 110% to 120%, WITHOUT any direct exposure to the volatile stock markets.
The worse the markets do, the more money we keep, and make…
If you’re a baby-boomer, you can’t afford to lose money again… You don’t have the time available to recover your losses… Period.
But if you don’t arm yourself with the right information, that’s exactly what’s going to happen in the next 6-12 months.
Stop what you’re doing right now and register for one of our upcoming 4PM ET Wednesday Conference Calls:
December 21, 2011 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 51: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL– $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES, Project Funding, and More
December 28, 2011 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 52: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL – $500K TO $50M, PROJECT FUNDING, ASSET MONETIZATION Week 52 20111228
January 4, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 1: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL– $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES, Project Funding, and More
We are building a team of people empowered with the knowledge and ability to turn these times of financial hardship into financial freedom.
This opportunity only comes once in a lifetime… If you miss this window, you will never have a second chance…
If you miss this window, you will end up on the losing side of this global wealth transfer…
925-522-0700 Direct
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