Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 20120317
The Good:
Our Global Financial Center Products and Services are doing well for our Clients and Agents.
Clients and agents are placing funds and receiving 5% on passbook savings annually, up to 7.5% a year on CD’s: they are placing funds in mutual funds, hedge funds, are historically earning 20% a month for 10 months in our Lloyd’s Bank trade that has an insurance wrap with Lloyd’s of London Insurance (minimum $105,000), are historically earning 15% a month for 12 months on our gold buy/sell (minimum $105,000).
Clients and Agents have access to dozens of products and services geared to capital preservation, evergreen gifting ideas, proven methods of saving money on taxes, obtain commercial loans, onshore and offshore financial planning and dozens of great ideas.
To learn more register here:
Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans
This meeting is part of a series. This meeting recurs every 1 week(s) on Monday from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) starting on 3/5/2012 and never ending. Attendees will choose which meeting they want to attend.
This meeting is part of a series. This meeting recurs every 1 week(s) on Tuesday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) starting on 3/6/2012 and ending on 3/5/2013. Attendees must register for the entire series at once.
March 22, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 12: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL- $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES, Project Funding, and More
March 29, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 13: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL- $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES, Project Funding, and More
The Bad:
I had to report a businessman to Rip-Off Report. I tried to collect the money he owed me for nine months.
The Ugly:
Don’t you hate it when people don’t do what they promise?
I’m here for you and those whom you choose to refer, M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific. Saturday’s are for research, writing articles, preparing for the two webinars and weekly Wednesday Conference Call, meeting with Clients and Agents. Sunday is for Church, Sunday School, family and rest.
925-522-0700 Direct
Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans
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