Greetings from the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area where temperatures are in the mid 50’s and it’s wet.
On behalf of Bonnie, Jenny & Brian, Katie and Mike our family thanks for you your interest in our products and services and for helping us move up in both the USA and Worldwide website rankings. Thank you very much! If we can be of service in any way please call or write.
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News Flash!!!
Dale and I are buying homes in Contra Costa and Solano County California. We buy houses “AS IS” for a fair price on the date of your choice.
For those who may be interested in obtaining an above average rate of return on their funds backed by California Real Estate we are accepting funds from investors.
We also provide turn-key deals for investors with a guaranteed minimum 15% equity position and cash flow of $150 a month.
Three different opportunities for you and those whom you choose to refer.
Dale sent this over Sunday January 17th:
This came in from Terry January 20th:
I only replied to a recent email and a unsubscribe screen came on. I deleted that but I guess it activated unsubscribe. Keep me on your email list. Thanks,
This came in from Tony Sunday January 17th:
Hi Joe,
What a fantastic newsletter! Glad to hear those tips and the experience you’ve had.
Hope all is well.
God Bless,
Tony G.
This came in from Larry Sunday January 17th:
Hello again Mr.Tufo. Yes, the W Group is me. Thank you for the heads up regarding the online application for my prospects. I will soon be launching an Add campaign via a few Christian Media companies and other venues to promote the Church Loan Program.
It’s good to know about the online app before I launch the campaign. Also, I have spoken with 25 other pastors who will be contacting you eventually regarding the church loan program. I will try to contact everyone again and asked them not to fax the application in. I hope they do not slip by me. However, for all my new contacts, I will inform them not to fax the application.
Currently I plan on focusing mainly on marketing the Church Loan Program and the business line of Credit Program. I will grow from there. Also,correct I am no longer in Inglewood. I am in San Francisco now. I grew up in the Bay Area. Went to Berkeley High School. Have always loved San Francisco. I will send you a new mailing address for me once I get my company address established for future checks to be sent out to me.
Quick Question: 1/2 point referral fee that is paid on closed loans-is a 1/2 point the same thing as saying 1/2% of total loan as a commission fee?
Have a Blessed Week Joe. I am looking forward to doing a lot of business with you this year. I Can’t wait to get my advertising out for the Church Loan Program!
Larry T
Sunday January 17th:
thank you for the information and resource…. do they do less than 20 million
Just to give you an idea of our “runs”:
Broadcast subject: Trading Programs – From Chris a Seasoned Trader
Run started: 17 Jan 2010 at 13:38:29
Run ended: 17 Jan 2010 at 22:56:11
Messages sent: 4739
This is correspondence between Terrence, me and Mitchell from Saturday January 23, 2010:
This came in Saturday January 23rd from a Director for a Private Bank in Zurich Switzerland:
Terrence’s requests are not doable.Funds must be moved in to a private wealth management firm in Zurich as I told you. There is no disclosure with out a JV agreement between the platform and a POF. No trader will provide any upfront due diligence until the program requirements are met. As I told you, full due diligence is conducted in Zurich in private between the client and the platform.Our platform is under the jurisdiction of the FED.Ample evidence will be presented in due time and before a client invests funds.
I hope this helps. As I stated, the conversation is not between myself and an intermediary.It must be direct to the client .
All the best
This is what Terrence sent over:
- 200M Cash
- Funds are in Glacier Bank in Montana (Sovereign Bank)
- Wants to use Administrative Hold as form of Blocking funds for Trade
This is from communication to Mark our new volume business line of credit provider for Marques. This came in Thursday January 14th:
Mark’s reply:
Andy has a three and a half year old corporation. He does not have good credit. He wants to know if he can use his 82-year old mother in his place. They live in Philadelphia. The mom is of good mental and physical health and wants to help her son obtain needed working capital. She has a 742 mid-score. Can you work with them?
This came in the evening of January 14th:
Hello Joe,
Looks like your hard work is paying off-I love success stories –
The mine is finally up & running @ great cost
of $- & sacrifice of credit- I’m int. In your cleanup program.
Thanks Joe
I believe in playing fair and I make that clear on the landing pages of and
There are too many time wasters who think nothing of pitting 10 funding sources against each other. I refuse to participate in that nonsense.
We have viable funding sources that close transactions. When you get SERIOUS then visit and and learn about us.
The Working Capital Fast website is approx. 600 pages of in depth research and analysis with 19 categories of products and services. The Cash Flow Specialists corporate website has approximately 1800 pages of content including the newsletter archives.
I work 54 hours a week: 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific and 8AM to noon Saturdays now that the holidays are over. I’m not a miracle worker. We’ve funded hundreds of businesses since July 1, 1999.
I encourage you to read our newsletters, learn how we do business and get plugged in.
This came in from Mark S Sunday January 17th:
way to go joe—-this clown wants to qualify you to see if you meet his standards for funding—what a bozo mark
in response to:
I never claimed to be a miracle worker as you will find by reading our websites and listening to the audio and video that I have posted.
Proof of Funds
- Accounts available from $100K to $5 billion
- Money Market funds seasoned for six (6) months
- No Credit Check or Financial Statements Required
- Funds in an account under client’s name and signature
- Rates starting as low as 1.0% per month
Proof of Funds Uses
- Net Worth Requirements
- Liquidity Requirements
- Show of Account Funds
- Bonding Requirements
- Blocked Funds for Investments
Proof of Funds Account Parameters
- 30 & 60 day accounts, with discounts provided for renewal terms
- Standard bank Verification of Deposit provided for all accounts
- Bank accounts opened and confirmed in writing by bank officers
- SWIFT MT799/760 confirmation option available in Offshore Banks
- Brokers welcome and protected
- $2±Million -to- $100+Million or more.
What is your transaction?
Funds for any Transaction with a guaranteed exit.
- Buy-Sell of assets/instruments,
- Private Placement Program-Investments,
- Enhancement — Credit/Collateral loans,
- Escrow — Compensating/other deposits,
- Project/Business — Debt/Bridge structured financing,
- SWIFT transactions,
- Riskless Arbitrage.
What guarantees Exit/Take-out of Funds and Transaction Fees-Costs?
- What is the transaction-instrument exchanged for the Funds?
- Who guarantees the exit/cash-out value?
Do you have the Cash to pay Commitment Fee?
Fee is 5±% of Funds amount. (minimum $75-Thousand Cash or as agreed)
- 5±% Cash; or
- 1±% cash and balance by your Note and free-clear assets; or
- 1±% cash and balance by your Note and proof of transaction exit/payment.
These are Fred’s fees. This is my cost. I expect you to be fair with me on a success fee.
Some important website links:
Chris’ Derogatory Removal Service with guaranteed results: this is a video explaining the program in depth this is the program without the commentary
I’ve been blessed by Dale Carnegie’s books, recordings and courses. This is a hyperlink of his Golden Book. 84 clicked and downloaded this gift:
Several have been interested in the application for adding business trade lines to their PAYDEX credit profile. Peter’s service takes about 15 business days. The investment is $4,500.
I’ll be attending Leonard’s Hard Money Mortgage School in Las Vegas February 25th. If you click on this link } and register and mention TUFO in the coupon code you’ll get two tickets for the price of one.
Our programs are featured in the weekly newsletter and on our websites. The program that works best is Peter and Hector’s Monster Corp:
Not For The Faint of Heart
I have known Hector and Peter for 16 months. They are the best that I have found at funding business people who acquire active corporations that can be funded in three increments:
$500,000 cost $33,000 to their company: $5,000 to Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.
$1,500,000 cost $60,000 to their company: $15,000 to Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.
$2,000,000 cost $75,000 to their company: $20,000 to Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.
You must have a 735 min FICO score, be at least 27 years old, have a debt to high credit under 30%. The process takes 90 to 130 calendar days. They are very detailed. About three weeks into the process they will make a site visit. They will also meet with you at the close.
If you have derogatories holding you back:
Business Credit Enhancement Services
If you need credit enhancement services Peter will build a PAYDEX score of 80 with three to four trade lines totaling $40,000 for $4,500. The process takes about 10 business days.
If you need credit enhancement services Peter will build a Experian score of 77 (low to moderate risk) with three to four trade lines totalling $40,000 for $4,500. The process takes about 45 to 60 business days.
In my experience Experian is more widely used West of the Mississippi. Banks will verify D&B-Paydex with Experian.
Once you sign the agreement and wire fees I will release the application to you.
Mark’s program is fairly new for us but they have been in business for 10 years and have funded thousands. One of our referral partners has been doing business with them and claims that they funded 20 of his clients in 2009.
We enforce our 1% commitment fee because of the amount of time that we invest funding people and the difference between a committed client and one who “shops” the marketplace.
I will not submit business without our fee 1% minimum $2,500, maximum $25,000 so if you apply for up to $250,000 our commitment fee paid up front is $2,500. if you apply for $500,000 it’s $5,000, if you apply for $1,000,000 it’s $10,000. If you apply for $2,500,000 or more it’s $25,000.
We are not in the fee business and we’re not in the work for free business.
Michelle called from Columbus Ohio January 14th. She found us on the web. She’s looking to monetize 50 mines. Here is the information in case you know of mines that need funding:
Items needed for JV
- Reserve statement signed by a qualified geologist
- Details of the proposed drilling program to upgrade the reserve classification to proven and probable status if applicable
- Detailed mine plan, signed by a qualified mining engineer
- An assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed operations
- Detailed processing plan signed off by an engineer/metallurgist specializing in the appropriate mineral
- A detailed marketing plan supported by either sufficient market research for agreements with agents/off-take agreements with clients
- Details of the management team, including CVs indicating the qualifications of the individuals involved
- A detailed financial model reflecting the mine, processing and marketing plan on a monthly basis for the first three years of operations and annual cash flow for the life of the operations, inclusive of:
- Major economic assumptions
- Price assumptions
- identification of major cost drivers
- Environmental liability provision
- Tax calculations, including Secondary Tax on Companies
- Working capital movements
- Financing assumptions
- Strategic plan of the company, including a proposed exit strategy for the Fund and future fund raising ideas
- Details regarding the corporate structure of the company
Michelle also asked about Trading Programs:Managed Trading and/or Buy-Sell ProgramsMinimum for some Programs —- $100 Million (cash or present value of instruments)Minimum for Buy-Sell Programs – $500 Million (cash or present value of instruments)
Minimum for Grandmaster Plan – $5 Billion (cash or T-Notes)
Funds/Assets can be blocked in Client’s bank (if in acceptable country), or moved into
newly established account at Program (top 10 European) bank
Attorney will verify Client’s POF or SKR, via authority
to verify letter (listing only permissible questions) via call to banker (with
Depositor on phone call with Attorney)
Special Programs:
We only deal with Licensed Traders (some independent platforms and others inside of
the Trading Bank). All Program Groups are among the largest in the West.
One Buy-Sell Trader offers 6 week Program (net, net of 10 times investment possible)
Grandmaster can swap cash for 105% BG, then places cash into SUPERIOR 1 year format
CAVEAT: This e-mail is not an offer to buy or sell financial instruments. My sole function’s to
identify potential Program Participants, and to introduce both sides so they can contract for a Program.
We have an alliance to forums that have instruments if not issued from the Trust it will be from the Attorney to the Treasury, Landesbank./Clearing/Cutting House and a Private holder of paper (one of the richest men in the world) depending on request and availability.
Send LOR or LOI and your FPA for now, along with POF and I will get the attorney on the phone with the buyer ASAP.
No interference- no broker cloak & dagger please.
Standard, 2 Banker-Signed, SKR Letter from the depository bank: not a free form swift.
Or you can provide a sanitized Bank Statement or Tear Sheet.
With Warmest Regards
From time to time clients bring investment opportunities to me.
Concept: SeasonS is the creation of Chef Glenn, with over 20 years of culinary experience. The restaurant will have a casual (light Industrial) décor, comfortable and relaxing with an atmosphere that will complement the range of culinary skills that Chef Glenn will be serving, from pizza by the slice to Penne Rustica , all being served by an energetic and complimentary staff “ all our customers feel like family” not only Chef Glenn’s favorite saying but it is backed by recipes that are simple, home-made and consistent. Chef refined his skill in the small town of Fregene Italy and since that time has opened 8 restaurants in Sonoma County, with over 60 culinary awards both Nationally and Internationally a Food Network appearance and countless other accolades his success is well documented.
Project: A brand new 3500 sq ft Sports Bar & Grill including wood fired Pizza.
Location: Rohnert Park California, 589B Rohnert Park Expressway Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Located in one of Northern California’s largest shopping centers with major anchors, Target, Pet Smart, Food 4 Less, Burlington Coat Factory, and Reading Cinemas 16plex
Projected Revenue: Year one 1.2M, Year two 1.5M, Year three 1.75M Year four 2.1M
Demographic: Population 43,496 median income 64,500 (up 14% since 2000)
Ethnicity white 74%, Hispanic 13.6%, American Indian 4.1% our target customer base 91.7%. Rohnert Park is a middle class community that is also the home of Sonoma State University, it draws a great deal of Sonoma County residents to its shopping areas due to the concentration of quality stores. SeasonS will be the only Sports Bar Grill and Pizzeria in Rohnert Park and Sonoma County, and will attract not only local residents but also draw from the entire County due to its location, its space being right next to the Reading Cinemas 16 theater complex.
Funding: 250k, 10 positions available at 25k each or any equal amount to 250K
Terms: A annual return of 6% to 9% to investors paid Quarterly, monthly financials will be emailed to all investors and there will be two investor teleconferences per year.
Completion Date: May 1st 2010 lease is in place, Tenant Improvement allowance, lease is below market rate, plans are approved by the center owners and construction is ready to begin!
Joe, It has been about two years since you first walked into my Petaluma restaurant! I will never forget the first time you tasted my food “the best Ceasar Salad I ever tasted” thanks Joe I feel blessed to be working with you!
Charlie has a $25,000,000 green project in Snowflake AZ. He is looking to raise $2,000,000 from accredited investors immediately with another $12,000,000 by the end of 2010, and the balance of $12,000,000 in 2011. I’ll have the package this month.
Initial planning is for 200 units high end environmentally friendly homes ranging from 1800 to 2400 square feet. It’s build to suit built with SCIPS. It also includes a high end green retirement village on a total of 400 acres for both the homes and retirement village.
This is part of the Sliver River Gorge. There are eight petrogryphs on the property from the Anastazi tribe.
Charlie is not greedy. he wants this to be win-win for all. There are a lot of good people with money that can bless this area. If you are interested in this opportunity please call or write.
Joel owns a goldmine in the Yukon Canada. He’s looking for $10,000,000. He and his geologists believe there are 350,000 ounces of gold available on the property. He is looking for accredited investors. There is an opportunity to earn a fair return on your money and some equity in the mine.
Peter called me January 12th. He is in the gold business in San Diego. He has a small need of $25,000 for an opportunity. Please read what he has to offer carefully:
I am hopeful that you might personally be interested, as the return is substantial and soon…… the income will be even more substantial, also soon and ONGOING……………This offer pertains to the ANTWI 400KG transaction only. For your review:
Again: (25,000) invested today, which in 3 wks will yield:
25,000 return of investment
75,000 return on investment (3-4-1)As you know I am able to offer you this because DgCC is the legal mandate and signatory for the Buyer. Also, because the Buyer is a not-for-profit foundation owned by myself and my son, David. David and I have no more cash to carry this forward, even though we are at the very threshold of delivery. We are personally all tapped out, having invested over five million dollars of our cash, real property assets, and our time into DgCC over the last six years.
Perhaps you could consider this as an opportunity for you and your family. Hopefully you will reconsider, and if you have an available $25,000, you will be able to wire the funds to me as soon as possible or before the end of the day……….Again, please email me your response………….or if you need more clarification please give me a call.
Joe, if I do not hear from you, I will not approach you again with regard to this matter……………
Thank you, Peter
David was referred by his brother Mike January 13th. he is attempting top put together investor money of $10,000,000 to purchase five goldmines in Nevada.If you have liquidity and are interested in these and other opportunities please call or write. I was securities licensed Series 7 and Series 63 for 19 years. I am not licensed in securities presently.
From time to time clients bring opportunities to me. I am usually paid a fee on the back end for raising money and sometimes I am given equity in the project(s).
All investment involves risk. Do not invest with money that you cannot afford to lose. Past performance is not a promise of future performance. Conduct your own due diligence.
What material success does is provide you with the ability to concentrate on other things that really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in other people's lives. Oprah Winfrey - Life - Success - Money
Proverbs 15:22 Without consultation, plans are frustrated, But with many counselors they succeed.
Remember that we are here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific.
Joe Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax and Commission Based.
Your #1 Alternative Funding Source. Call Us When Your Banker Says NO!!!
Business and Personal Lines of Credit $50,000 to $10,000,000, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to No Limit, Commercial Loans, SBA Loans, Hard Money Loans, Church Loans, Factoring, Accounts Receivable Funding, Merchant Cash Advance.
Speaker, Writer, and Seminar Leader
Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.
Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow
The program that I use to attain my goals: click on the link below to read our Disclaimer
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