Managed Buy-Sell –Trading- PPP Programs Starting from $1MM +
Translate your strategic objectives into action -$$$$$$- growth and profit objectives.
Our current performance management system and proven performance based forums will create an effective performance management system that helps to translate strategy into action, productivity, and corporate profitability.
Greg can provide you the opportunity to capitalize on our various investment programs.
Currently we offer many forums to enhance your portfolio for additional monetization.
Greg has an alliance to providers of Instruments/Managed Buy/Sells and Tier 1, 2, 3 Trade Platforms.
Your funds can work for you just by sitting in your bank account.
You have the option to participate in as many programs at the same time as you like.
Enter into;
1) Gold Commodities Contract
2) Gold Commodities Contract-SBLC
3) Multiple 40 Week Bank Trade/PPP/Buy-Sell Programs
4) Multiple Bank Trade/PPP/Buy-Sell BULLET Programs
Enter all programs at the same time with rolls and extensions on contract.
This is a Commodities Contract– Project is not necessary.
Safe-Secure-Fast- High Returns
$1,000,000 PROGRAM
52 Week Program NETS $100K Per Week = $5,200,000
BCL (Bank Comfort Letter) or POF MT 799– which is just a proof of funds letter.
$1,000,000 POF/BCL-Funds stay in Principal’s Bank
Client shows min. $1,000,000. POF is all that is required. Client receives approximately $100,000 per week for one year, net of commissions and JV fees. Client can talk direct to trader, and trader then issues contract to client to specify pay-out.
BCL (Bank Comfort Letter) or POF MT 799 — which is just a proof of funds letter.
These funds stay in your account. They are not Moved, Pledged, Liened, Encumbered, Blocked, or Hypothecated and no other signature is added.
Historical Returns are between 10% to 20% Weekly
$300K = $1,250,000 PER MONTH X 12MONTHS= $14.7MM YEAR
Client can buy $10M SBLC for $300,000 from HSBC.
Gold contract pays 10-20% per week ($100K TO $200K) for a year.
OPTION 2 is an alternative that while participating in OPTION 1 client can simultaneously chose to enter intoOPTION 2.
In effect, this is a double dip of your show money!!
Use the proceeds (In effect “house money”–without touching the original show money) to purchase the SBLC.Client is not limited to one contract. Multiple contracts are granted upon availability
Compliance forms will be sent direct to the client.
CIS form; Need color copy of passport enlarged 140%.
Client talks direct to Trader.
Trader issues contract.
Client signs contract.
BCL or POF MT 799 will be sent from Traders Bank to Clients Bank from the Trader Direct.
BCL or POF MT 799 sent by Swift to designated bank.
BCL-Bank Comfort Letter (Proof Of Funds) or POF MT 799 (Proof Of Funds Letter MT 799)
BCL (Bank Comfort Letter) or POF MT 799: A letter written by a bank officer on behalf of a customer, attesting to the current balance and good standing of an account holder.
CIS and BCL must be signed in Blue Ink.
BCL (Bank Comfort Letter)–which is just a proof of funds letter or POF MT799
These funds stay in your account. They are not Moved, Pledged, Liened, Encumbered, Blocked, or Hypothecated and no other signature is added.
If your goal is mainly to earn a Safe and High Yield
Slightly Seasoned T-Strips, BG’s, & MTN’S Managed OR – Buy-Sell Trading Programs
Also available for further monetization.
NCC has an alliance to the largest Licensed Traders in the world (some independent platforms and others inside of the Trading Bank).All Program Groups are among the largest in the West.
Our alliance forums also have instruments from the Treasury and a LANDESBANK and to Clearing/Cutting House or Private Holders of paper (Some of the richest men in the world) depending on request and availability, as well as Trades/Buy-Sells/PPP.
I have known Greg since April 2008.
Joe Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
Fee and Commission Based.
Your #1 Alternative Funding Source. Call Us When Your Banker Says NO!!!
Business and Personal Lines of Credit $50,000 to $10,000,000, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to No Limit, Commercial Loans, SBA Loans, Hard Money Loans, Church Loans, Factoring, Accounts Receivable Funding, Merchant Cash Advance.
Speaker, Writer, and Seminar Leader
Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.
Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow
The program that I use to attain my goals:
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