Merry Christmas!Monster Corps, Credit Enhancement, Non-Recourse Commercial Loans, Church Loans, and More Alternative Funding Solutions 20091223

Merry Christmas! Monster Corps, Credit Enhancement, Non-Recourse Commercial Loans, Church Loans, and More Alternative Funding Solutions 20091223

Greetings from the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area. May God cause His face to shine upon you and call you blessed!

Merry Christmas!

This greeting came from Glen,

Hi Joe, I just wanted to wish you and your family a joyous and happy
Christmas, I hope that you are surrounded by your loved ones this Christmas
because that is the most cherished gift of all.

Your Friend
Chef Glenn

God Bless Us All

Learn How To Get Funded:

This is correspondence that I sent to Robert Lee, a referral partner in Virginia. I sent this Friday December 18, 2009:


Our programs are featured in the weekly newsletter and on our websites. The program that works best is Peter and Hector’s Monster Corp:

Not For The Faint of Heart

I have known Hector and Peter for 16 months. They are the best that I have found at funding business people who acquire active corporations that can be funded in three increments:

$500,000 cost $33,000 to their company: $5,000 to Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.

$1,500,000 cost $60,000 to their company: $15,000 to Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.

$2,000,000 cost $75,000 to their company: $20,000 to Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.

You must have a 735 min FICO score, be at least 27 years old, have a debt to high credit under 30%. The process takes 90 to 130 calendar days. They are very detailed. About three weeks into the process they will make a site visit. They will also meet with you at the close.

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Business Credit Enhancement Services

If you need credit enhancement services Peter will build a PAYDEX score of 80 with three to four trade lines totaling $40,000 for $4,500. The process takes about 10 business days.

If you need credit enhancement services Peter will build a Experian score of 77  (low to moderate risk) with three to four trade lines totalling $40,000 for $4,500. The process takes about 45 to 60 business days.

In my experience Experian is more widely used West of the Mississippi. Banks will verify D&B-Paydex with Experian.

Once you sign the agreement and wire fees I will release the application to you.

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Mark’s program is new for us but they have been in business for 10 years and have funded thousands. One of our referral partners has been doing business with them and claims that they funded 20 of his clients in 2009.

We enforce our 1% commitment fee because of the amount of time that we invest funding people and the difference between a committed client and one who “shops” the marketplace.

I will not submit business without our fee 1% minimum $2,500, maximum $25,000 so if you apply for up to $250,000 our commitment fee paid up front is $2,500. if you apply for $500,000 it’s $5,000, if you apply for $1,000,000 it’s $10,000. If you apply for $2,500,000 or more it’s $25,000.

We are not in the fee business and we’re not in the work for free business.

Mark’s program takes about 30 business days.

I could not get Mr. Kim’s user name and password to work with creditchecktotal. I also do not have the social security number.

Park is good to go with Hector’s program score-wise. He needs to have a business address and business phone number. He may be able to rent an office space.

The best bet for the contractor that you are meeting with tomorrow is Hector and Peter’s programs mentioned above. If he doesn’t have time he should factor the construction receivables (if he can) and apply with Mark. Since he’s looking for $500,000 we’ll charge $5,000 as a commitment fee up front. The back end fee is 6.9% to the lender and 4% to us significantly less than Larry.

I’ll be at my office from 8AM to noon Pacific and then I’m off to Dale’s to work on the websites. I’ll be accessible by cell 925-352-6000 all day Saturday. Sunday is my day off. Monday I have a full schedule but am available, you just need to be patient.

I appreciate you. May God’s richest blessings be upon you and your family during this joyous Christmas season. I expect great things for you in 2010 and beyond.

Monday, December 28th I’ll be with Chris the master with the proprietary tested system for removing derogatories permanently in one hour to 10 days

Joe Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax

Fee and Commission Based.

Your #1 Alternative Funding Source. Call Us When Your Banker Says NO!!!

Business and Personal Lines of Credit $50,000 to $10,000,000, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to No Limit, Commercial Loans, SBA Loans, Hard Money Loans, Church Loans, Factoring, Accounts Receivable Funding, Merchant Cash Advance.

Speaker, Writer, and Seminar Leader

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

The program that I use to attain my goals:

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