New Conference Service 6/1/11 4PM: Small Cap Trades 4% to 15%, Project Funding $25m+, Asset Monetization $25m+, LL 20110528
Participate in our 4PM Eastern Wednesday Conference Call: This is the link for the June 1, 2011 call only
Future calls will be by subscription only.
We have two small cap trade groups:
My personal favorite is our offshore Trade Group. The firm is 23 years old. I have personally known the CEO since October 2006. He is a retired U.S. Treasury Agent and international expert on bank fraud. We have several clients in trade. We expect to add seven clients next week.
Programs are from $5,000 to $50,000,000 with yields of 4% to 8% a month.
Send a recent bank statement not more than three business days old, a copy of your passport, and a letter of interest indicating how much you’d like to place. Terms are either one or two years with renewals available.
Remember the trade contract is always between the principal (you) and the trade group. I usually do not see the contracts.
We have a second program that I’ve written about. It’s a gold buy-sell. I know two of the principals: one for a year today (May 28, 2011) and the other since April 11, 2008.
They pay 10% a month at $50,000, 12% a month at $75,000 and 15% a month at $100,000 to $300,000.
We have one client in and expect to add one this week. They are very selective with whom they do business.
Project Financing and Customized Funding Solutions
We are establishing a business relationship with an international lender, operating out of Panama, interested in funding projects that make sense in jurisdictions that are politically stable. That being said, every project is considered on its own merit and compensating factors are always considered.
For project consideration please submit the applicable project questionnaire along with executive summary.
The Steps To Consider Your Project Are:
1. Submit applicable project questionnaire along with executive summary.
2. Once preliminary approval is given a telephone interview is arranged to determine mutual compatibility.
3. Assuming compatibility is established, Documents of Engagement are issued and Preparation for full submission is arranged.
For consideration send completed questionnaire along with project Executive Summary.
Some of the different project types they have financed or monetized and will consider are: Hotels, Resorts, Casinos, Commercial Malls, Buildings, Refineries, commodities plants, gold mines and all types of energy related transactions.
They will consider financing 100% of the cost of completing the construction including all other cost involved from the point of shovel ready forward.
Their ideal project, is at the point where the only thing stopping you from moving forward and beginning construction is the lack of capital required.
The principles have invested millions of dollars on soft cost, procuring the land and preparing all the necessary documentation to request funding.
Depending on the efficiency of all involved the total timeframe could more or less take 8-17 weeks.
To start the process a project is introduced to the company with a completed Project Questionnaire, an executive overview and financial statement. Within 5 business days if interest is determined, documents of engagement are executed and a full list of items required is prepared. Underwriting will only commence upon receipt of all required documentation and escrow, within 45-60 days they will notify if financing is successful and will close within the next 21 days.
The company’s confidentiality agreements precludes them from directly identifying the company’s clients.
The most recent deal types they have engaged:
Resort Developments;
Multi-use – hotel, office and residential;
Monetizing of in-ground assets;
Social Housing;
Energy production – hydroelectric;
Energy production – waste to fuel.
The minimum is $25m USD. The company can do any type of construction projects, in ground assets and above ground assets.
Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. Priority Fees Apply. See:
How We Work
(there is a detailed explanation on our websites)
Disclaimer Notice:
The information on this page is in no way relying upon or relating to the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended or related regulations and does not involve the sale of securities. We are not acting in the capacity of a Securities & Exchange Commission broker/dealer or investment advisor. The information herein is not intended for the The purpose of buying, selling, trading, recommending securities or offering counsel or advice with respect to any such activities. We hereby declare that we are not licensed brokers or government employees and that this information is of a private nature and is deemed exempt from the Securities Act it is not intended for the general public and all materials are for your “PRIVATE USE ONLY”. Intermediaries are NOT Advisors of any kind. We are Business Consultants providing business information to private individuals and private companies. You are advised to click on the link “Legal & Privacy” and scroll to sub-heading “Financial Instruments.” By browsing this site it is fully understood that you have read our Legal and Privacy Statement and have accepted all the terms and conditions.
Please note, that in providing project finance related services, we are not in any way acting as legal, tax and or other professional advisers, or giving legal, tax or other professional advice. We strongly recommend, that project finance applicants obtain independent legal or tax advice, as appropriate from a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA), Attorney-at-Law, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or other licensed professional as regulated by your State or Country.
Hi, my name is Joe Tufo. I’m President of Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. We’re located in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area – Antioch CA to be precise. Antioch is 46 miles North East of downtown San Francisco and approx. 56 miles from the San Francisco Airport.
We are both fee and commission based. In business since July 1, 1999 and with 34 years of financial services experience (November 1976 to present) we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.
We have had success with:
- Large Project Funding – you may need a minimum of $5,000,000 in cash and a viable project(s) for several of our funding sources.
- Trade Programs – Small Capital $5,000 to $50,000,000 with current yields of 4% to 15% a month before commissions and account set-up fees. (Rates Subject To Change)
- Monetizing Assets – You name it we may be able to monetize. There are more than 100 articles on our websites explaining this.
Our websites are at our public-free site which is about 1500 pages (May ’11) and our private (by subscription only) site which has about four times the content. It also archives the newsletters.
Remember: is a free website is private and by subscription only. Your investment is $97.00 a month and gives you access to the archived calls, video, newsletters, and 527 articles at last count. More importantly it gives you access to the live calls on Wednesday where you can listen to clients share their success with being paid on our trade programs and being funded by our project funding programs.
Occasionally traders attend unannounced and that’s an extra special treat.
You can sign-up for FREE to be on our double opt-in mailing list at
Our most popular products and services are Small Cap Trade Programs, Large Project Funding $50m+, Proof of Funds, and Asset Monetization $50m+:
Wednesday: Newsletter Right From The Heart
Saturday: What We Learned For The Week: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
I have worked in financial services since November 1976 in insurance, securities, investments, and finance. I have 17,553 people in my database that I have done business with as prospects, clients, or vendors. There are 4,944 double opt-in subscribers to these communiques that I send. (May 2011)
I begin each workday at 7AM Pacific as I have since November 1976. I work hard every day. I make it a point to return every call even when people don’t leave a message I harvest the calls from the Caller ID and return them anyway. I do my best to return emails but I must admit that I fall behind.
Call me at 925-352-6000 if I have not responded to your email within three business days.
I end each workday at 5PM Pacific, make a salad, and then go for a 45-minute walk and then work on the websites for two to three hours a night and for five to six hours on Saturday.
Sunday is reserved for Sunday School, Church, and rest.
Yes, I charge fees to those who want me to work on all viable large projects, and any “rush” work.
I absolutely refuse to work for free, or for some promise to be paid in the future.
In our experience we can fund 1/3 of the files that cross our desks, 1/3 are DOA Dead on Arrival, and the final 1/3 are broken and need to go through some form of remediation which can take hours, days, weeks, months, or years.
Joseph P. Tufo, President
925-522-0700 Direct
206-984-2853 Fax
Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype: jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:
Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow
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