We’ve had a number of people come forward with items they’d like to monetize and place into trade to fund projects in the past year.

Since three contacted me in the past week I thought this may be of help to you too.


Get as much as possible as to all that applies.

Can monetize up to 90%LTV Debt/Loan


The $ can then be placed into My Trade Platforms.

Send at the same time, do not piece mail.


Precious Metals-Gold/Silver/Ore, etc.  Precious Stones, Gems, Rubies Emeralds, Diamonds, Sapphire, Rare Coins MuseumQuality Antiques & Art works.



















How We Work

Our websites are at http://www.workingcapitalfast.com our public-free site which is about 1200 pages (November ’10) and http://www.joetufo.com/blog our private (by subscription only) site which has about four times the content. It also archives the newsletters.


You can sign-up for FREE to be on our double opt-in mailing list athttp://www.workingcapitalfast.com

Here’s our publishing schedule in case you’re not interested in everything that we produce. We don’t publish every day, it just seems that way.

Our most popular products and services are Trade Programs, Large Project Funding, Proof of Funds, and Asset Monetization:

Monday: Traditional Commercial Loans, SBA Loans

Tuesday: International Hard Money Conference and Access to Hard Money Funding $500,000 to $100,000,000

Wednesday: Newsletter Right From The Heart

Thursday: Proof of Funds, SBLC, BG, Bank Instruments, Asset Monetization and More

Friday: Large Project Funding $10m+, 100% True JV, Trade Programs

Saturday: What We Learned For The Week: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

We teach prospective clients how to self-liquidate and self-fund projects by using Trade Programs. You will need 10% to 15% in cash to participate.


Here’s a testimony that I received from Brad December 6, 2010 on this program:


I want to send a quick note and let you know how satisfied I am in my dealings with CFSI/FMC.  As you know, I went into the ANY MONEY, 30-day bullet trade, with a 50% return on November 1, 2010 with a payout date of December 6, 2010.  When the initial investment and anticipated return posted to my bank account on December 2, 2010, I was more than delighted (4 days ahead of schedule).

I’m not going to lie…I was very skeptical as I contemplated entering the Private Placement Offering (PPO).  What CFSI/FMC was offering sounded too good to be true, and as the old saying goes, it usually is.  However, the intuition I had regarding this PPO didn’t agree with that sentiment, so I decided to go through compliance. After receiving my initial contract, it felt like I asked CFSI/FMC a million questions. They ended up answering all questions in a precise and timely manner, which I greatly appreciated given the tight turnaround. Even though my initial contract wasn’t for millions I still felt like I was a priority to CFSI/FMC. It’s quite refreshing knowing what I know now about the principals and what their goals are for the platform and all involved.

After the success of the first contract I decided to enter into my second contract with CFSI/FMC. It’s the 10-day bullet trade, with a 35% return that begins December 6, 2010 with a payout date of December 21, 2010. If the second contract is successful like the first contract, then I’ll probably be an CFSI/FMC client for life. Right now, I don’t foresee any reasons why that wouldn’t be the case. What’s more, the various programs offered by CFSI/FMC will allow me to grow my businesses without taking on any additional debt. I really appreciate the self-funding means they provide. I’m definitely looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship with CFSI/FMC. Thanks for all your assistance in establishing this relationship.



As I’m sure you know, these past few years have been brutal, to say the least.

They were not just brutal for America.

They were brutal for you and they were definitely brutal for me.

In the course of the last few years:

  • American wealth decreased by thirty-seven (37%) percent;
  • Personal equity decreased by sixty-one (61%) percent;
  • 28 million homes went into foreclosure;
  • Over 7 million homes became delinquent on their mortgages;
  • U.S. unemployment soared, as of 12/1/10, to an alarming 9.6% with some states such as California (12.4%), Nevada (14.5%), Florida (12.0%), and Michigan (12.9%), reflecting the millions of Americans out of work.

The Great Recession has been by far the most significant event in American economic history since the Great Depression.

For Americans who went into the Great Recession on the heals of what was the most outrageous wealth-building period we’ve ever seen – from 2003 through 2007 – most Americans did not even think about asset diversification; although they should have. The 2000s were all about wealth building, accreting assets, and making an awful lot of money.

However, now that we have all seen the ugly under-belly of what happens when it turns against us, now is the time we better revisit asset diversification. It won’t help yesterday’s sins, but it will eliminate tomorrow’s sorrows.

That’s why, regardless of what happens in the economy or to your business or investments, certain programs I’ve learned to use over time must be incorporated into your planning to make sure that while your business or investments might be a victim of economic or legal circumstances, you and your family won’t be.

I feel strongly about this program as I have watched friends, neighbors and community colleagues have their lives destroyed because their businesses and investments fell apart. Because of that, I’m going back to my roots as a financial adviser with a specialty in private wealth management as well as my teaching background. I have seen so much pain and suffering over these past few years, that I feel compelled to offer this assistance to a very selected and close group of long time friends and associates.


As 2011 rolls around, you only have two choices.

Your first choice is to continue to lick your wounds on what has happened in the Great Recession.

Your second choice is to make sure it never happens again.

What is your choice going to be?

Let’s make sure you get it right this time for the next time around. After all, there is a big difference between your business or investments going down and your family following.

If you have any questions at all and would like to discuss them, don’t hesitate to call me personally at 925-691-8200.


I’ve sat through tens of thousands of presentations since we started in business July 1,1999. Most are made by shrewd entrepreneurs in search of funding for their new business concepts.

I am continually shocked by the failure of most of these presentations to communicate effectively and persuasively.

The problem is that nobody knows how to tell a story. And what’s worse, nobodyknowsthat they don’t know how to tell a story.

The overwhelming majority of business presentations merely serve to convey data, not to persuade.

You need to be able to master the art of telling a story in a clear, convincing manner.

Investors have been burned badly in the past several years. There’s nothing worse than receiving a 250-page “novel” with the funding request buried on page 57. We don’t have time to sift and sort through hundreds of pages of data and to give dozens of hours of our precious time away.

If you’d like to be “coached” on how to present powerfully and effectively you should retain Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. as a Priority – Expedited Client.

We’ve helped hundreds obtain funding, why not you?


**** We’re running a Special Promotion until January 31, 2011:****

We’ve had good success in funding dozens in these difficult times.

We’ve found that those whom we meet with face-to-face for a couple of hours, that really get plugged into our websites, newsletters, articles, and webinars have amuch higher funding success rate than those who try to “go on the cheap.” skip the process, don’t read the newsletters and, in general, try to do things their way.

If you’re serious about getting funded you’ll come to Concord CA and spend two hours with me. When you’re ready for the best you’ll come to me.

For only $2,500 you’ll receive two hours of coaching for you and your team here in Concord CA on how to properly fund your viable project or idea, a thorough review and written critiqueof your Executive Summary, Bio’s, Detailed Use of Funds, 5-Year Pro-Forma, and Exit Strategy, and a one-year prepaid subscription tohttp:joetufo.com/blog our 4,000+ page and growing private subscription website which archives our newsletters. This is a $4,664 value if you buy the services separately.

In addition, if you choose to become a Priority Client, we’ll credit your entire $2,500 investment plus the costs of your travel to Concord CA towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.

We’ve been successful in funding dozens of business people who struck out using mainstream funding sources. Block a couple of days; fly or drive to the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, bring a cashier’s check, or wire funds direct to our Bank of America corporate account.

If you need more than two hours we’ll charge only $500 an hour instead of our normal $1,000 an hour and we’ll still credit it all towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.

If you need me to come to you for two hours you’ll need to add $10,000 for travel expenses and time away from Concord CA. If you need more than two hours we’ll charge only $500 an hour instead of our normal $1,000 an hour and we’ll still credit it all towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.

We’re not in the fee business and we’re not in the work for free business. We take on committed paying clients and devote our time to getting them funded.


I’m a big proponent of time management.  I think anyone involved not only in sales but in any aspect of business in general needs to manage his or her time well.  Time really is our most precious asset and the one most often wasted.


If you have a Large Project that requires funding you may be interested in an 8-Week Course that we are producing: http://joetufo.com/blog/large-project-class

Our websites feature our Business Creed and a pre-qualification application.http://joetufo.com/blog/welcome-to-cash-flow-specialists-inc


Want to know how to really fund a project in good times and bad?


Here’s part of the above article:

This is worth thinking about: why does it take more than a year? Could it be that they are investing your $100m or whatever and placing it into trade? It’s just what I’ve been talking about: take your money, whatever it is and place it with one of our traders.

I’ve shown you an illustration of a client placing $1m in December 08 and having just over $14m in June 2010. What if you placed $10m? At $100m you’d have $1.4b enough to fund almost anything. By the way the minimum is $500k to place into the program. Past performance is no indication of future growth.

It just seems to me that it will take time to fund your project. Why not take baby steps? Start at $500k and grow it to $7m. Pull some money out say $2m and reinvest the $5m. In 18 months that may grow to $70m. Take out $50m and reinvest $20m. in 18 months that may grow to $280m. Repeat.

Using the above illustration $500k grows to $280m after 54 months and you have $52m you’ve used. That’s not a bad program. Past performance is no indication of future growth.

And there are no debts to pay and no equity partners unless you choose to bless me and I’ll take all the blessing that you have to give (Luke 6:38).

We offer a one-time FREE 20-minute consultation to those who complete the questionnaire completely. This is a $333.34 value based on our hourly consulting fee. Of course, you may purchase additional time at



This is part of an email that I sent to an “oil man” who has been shopping for a loan for at least two years:

We went down the “free road” (Non-Priority) with you about two years ago, Walter.

I paid my assistants a small fortune and all the while you kept “shopping.” I absolutely refuse to do that again.

Doing upfront work to gain leverage with a potential client is a risky proposition. With so much staff time and so many resources needed we could end up spending all our revenue and profit from several closed transactions to compensate for the costs we’d incur with you.

We don’t want to be in a business where clients want free work. Providing so much upfront work and slashing  success fees is not a sustainable way to operate. Too much upfront free work squanders our resources and time.

Here’s Walter’s reply:

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Walter O Breeding wrote:


Fine Thank you, We have several funding resources available to us that have already sent us LOI Letters anyway!!

Again Thank you anyway,

Walter O. Breeding

This is what I’m talking about. It takes 40 to 150+ hours to read all the materials, make the conference calls to review, prepare the loan package, contact funding source(s) to present, review with clients. Here Walter was still shopping after he received several LOI’s.________________________________________________________________________

We charge a minimum $1,000 processing fee on all applications. The fee is fully earned and non-refundable.

I have worked in financial services since November 1976 in insurance, securities, investments, and finance. I have 16,743 people in my database that I have done business with as prospects, clients, or vendors. There are 5,347 double opt-in subscribers to these communiques that I send. (November 2010)

I am not a miracle worker. I can’t possibly help everyone who contacts me.

When I stopped counting we had 230 referral partners who had referred business in the past 11+ years. We started this business in July 1999.

Vendors call to appoint us because they receive the articles that I write from others whom they know.

We’ve had success with “bringing clients across the finish line” for PPP. Trade Programs, Monster Corporations, Business Lines of Credit, Hard Money, SBA Loans, Commercial Loans, Asset Based Loans, Merchant Cash Advance, Purchase Order Funding, Factoring, Proof of Funds, Asset Monetizing, Angel Money, Venture Capital and in the old days Residential Loans, all forms of Insurance, Annuities, Mutual Funds, Private Placements, and other forms of retail investments.

I begin each workday at 7AM Pacific as I have since November 1976. I work hard every day. I make it a point to return every call even when people don’t leave a message I harvest the calls from the Caller ID and return them anyway. I do my best to return emails but I must admit that at only 8:25AM as I type this I’ve already read or replied to 458 emails and it’s exhausting.

If I overlook your email please call me.

I end each workday at 5PM Pacific, make a salad, and then hightail it over to Dale’s from August 25th to the Holidays and then after the Holidays to when school lets out for the summer. We go for a 45-minute walk and then work on the websites for two to three hours a night and for five to six hours on Saturday.

Sunday is reserved for Sunday School, Church, and rest.

Yes, I charge fees to those who want me to work on all viable large projects, monster corporations, business lines of credit, and any “rush” work.

I absolutely refuse to work for free, or for some promise to be paid in the future.

It makes me feel good to know that I’ve played a major role in helping others succeed. It’s a high that’s hard to explain. It is confirmation that my purpose in life is sound and that my efforts produce value in the marketplace.

I don’t claim to be a miracle worker. What I am is part writer, part entrepreneur, part philosopher, and, above all, part teacher. Teaching, which has been my main occupation for the past three decades, is the one thing I enjoy above all others.

And one of the reasons I enjoy teaching so much is because when I teach others, I learn a lot myself. Learning is, in fact, one of the great bonuses to teaching. The more you teach, the more you learn.

I’m still amazed at how often my own teachings catalyze new ideas that impact my life in some positive way – sometimes in major ways. And even when teaching doesn’t bring about new ideas, just the repetition of teaching reinforces in my own mind the concepts, principles, and techniques that I share with others.

I turned 60 November 29, 2010 and frankly, I have more important things to do than to invest 40, 60, 80 or 100 or more hours of my time working for you for free. If you’re serious you’ll read our websites thoroughly, buy some of our books and courses, subscribe to http://www.joetufo.com/blog and immerse yourself in what we do.

Then get over to http://www.joetufo.com/consultingx and buy some time.

Hop in your car or on a plane and come and visit me in Concord CA as dozens of others have. Remember, it’s $1,000 an hour: $5,000 for a half day – five hours; and $10,000 for a whole day – 10 hours.

Do a brain dump. Ask anything you want. I’ll apply your investment against the 1% fee capped at $30,000 per project (September 2010 – rates subject to change).

We work one of two ways:

Priority – If you want us to “Clear The Decks,” put our heads down, expedite your application(s), and get to work you’ll honor us by paying a fee for six months of service. You may renew after that time.

When you hire us to work on a priority basis we thoroughly study your submission package to make sure that it complies with our recommended Road Map to Funding Success. Funding has always been about presentation. Those who present well are funded. Those who don’t present well are not funded.

The key ingredients to funding success, in our experience, have been:

  1. A powerful Executive Summary of one to four pages. You can purchase our template and video review at http://www.joetufo.com/roadmap
  2. Bio’s of key personnel.
  3. A detailed use of funds broken down monthly for the first year and quarterly thereafter.
  4. A 5-year proforma and written Exit Strategy.

It’s real simple: We work on either a Priority basis where you pay a fully earned, non-refundable fee for six months of service or a Non-Priority basis when you are not in a big hurry and we get to you and your project when we can: after all Priority Clients come first.

We work on your project and focus all our energy on you and other priority clients first and then others in order of availability.

We don’t take on a client or project unless we’re reasonably sure that we can achieve success.

The fee is 1% of what you are looking for subject to a minimum $3,000: maximum $30,000 per project. Any amount that you are trying to fund under $300,000 is $3,000 and any amount $3,000,000 and above is $30,000.

If you’re looking for $500,000 the fee is $5,000. If you’re looking for $1,000,000 the fee is $10,000. You get the picture.

Some ask me to spend the day with them. I charge $10,000 per day. You come to Concord CA. Some ask for a half day and I charge them $5,000. Some want an hour and I charge them $1,000.

You can see these services at http://www.joetufo.com/consultingx You can direct deposit or wire fees to our Bank of America Corporate account. With 34+ years in financial services (since 11/76) we may be uniquely qualified to serve you.
Before you join, let me mention two things…

Firstly, I can’t guarantee your success. You know that and I know that, but it’s something I gotta say anyway. I will offer my expert opinion based on my own experience and knowledge, but there are no guarantees. You agree to hold me harmless for any result that occurs from my coaching.

Secondly, there are no refunds available. Because I can’t get my time back, you can’t get your money back. I’ll be happy to work with you to make you happy … but if you’re looking for a guarantee for a refund, then this isn’t for you.

Having gotten the “negative” out of the way, let’s focus on the “positive”! This is truly going to be a life-changing experience for you and I’m proud to be able to personally work with a select few in this program. I’m really looking forward to it.

If you’re ready, I am! You can literally get started hearing from ME this evening. So let’s get started together

This is an interview that Dale conducted with me in July 2009. It may be of benefit to you:


When we meet face-to-face we’ll review the following questions:

• What do you expect from us?

• What is your current pain?

• What keeps you awake at night?

• How do you see us helping you address these challenges and opportunities?

• What growth plans do you have?

• If price were not an issue, what role would you want us to play in your business?

• Do you expect capital needs? New financing?

• Do you anticipate any mergers, purchases, divestitures, recapitalizations, or reorganizations in the near future?

• We know you are investing in total quality service, as are we. What are the service standards you would like for us to provide you?

• How important is our satisfaction guarantee to you?

• How important is rapid response? What do you consider rapid response?

• Why are you changing professionals? What did you not like about your former firm that you do not want us to repeat?*

• How did you enjoy working with your former firm?**

• Do you envision any other changes in your needs?

• Are you concerned about any of your asset, liability, or income statement accounts to which we should pay particularly close attention?

• If we were to attend certain of your internal management meetings as observers, would you be comfortable with that?

• How do you suggest we best learn about your business so we can relate your operations to the financial information and so we can be more proactive in helping you maximize your business success?

• May our associates tour your facilities?

• What trade journals do you read? What seminars and trade shows do you regularly attend? Would it be possible for us to attend these with you?

• What is your budget for this type of service?

* We never denigrate the predecessor. First, this insults you and reminds you of a poor decision. Second, it diminishes respect and confidence in the profession as a whole and lowers the public’s perception of our professionalism.

** Even though you are changing firms, it is almost certain that you liked certain characteristics of the predecessor. We want to find out what those were and exceed them. For instance, if you said the prior firm always returned phone calls within one day, we strive to return phone calls within four hours.

Non-Priority – If you think that you’ve “nailed it” when preparing the four key ingredients to funding success, and you aren’t in any hurry at all to fund and aren’t quite ready to pay consultation fees then we’ll take a look at your project when we can get to it. After we look at it we may need to send it back because you don’t meet our requirements. (Priority Clients get major help from us in cleaning up their submission.) We’ll return your calls and emails when we can: after all, priority clients come first.

We reserve the right to review each submission once, beyond that our consultation fee will be required. You had better complete the submission request correctly the first time or you better get familiar with our websites mentioned above. If you submit for free we can’t spend a lot of time. It’s not fair to us, our families, or our Priority Clients.

In our experience we can fund 1/3 of the files that cross our desks, 1/3 are DOA Dead on Arrival, and the final 1/3 are broken and need to go through some form of remediation which can take hours, days, weeks, months, or years.


This is an explanation of a personal failure in my life:


With 34 years of Financial Services experience we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.

And Joe Tufo

International Project Financing And Investment


Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. provides expert financial services for procurement of private placement investment, direct investment, international project financing, venture capital funding, capital loans or credit lines. We work directly with capital funding, financing and investment sources, to procure the most competitive and profitable terms for our clients.

  • International Project Financing from $10.0 Million – $2.0 Billion
  • Investment Capital for New Companies or Corporate Expansion
  • All Countries and All Industries Can Be Financed
  • Low Interest Credit and Loans From 1.0% – 7.0% Interest
  • No Collateral From Client – We Procure Collateral From Third Party Investor

For projects without collateral from the client, Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. has well-developed and proven methods for organizing andstructuring capital financing loans, including collateral instruments and insurance bonds from our investors, cooperating banks and international financial institutions, for procurement of full capital funds with favorable terms and rates.

Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. itself is not a fund, and does not give investment capital from its own funds. We are an international firm that performs expert preparation of investment projects, on the basis of direct expert knowledge of the rules, requirements and criteria of numerous financing sources. The client must pay for the preliminary expenses of this work. After preparation, Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. conducts full management and active work on procurement of capital funds,100% on commission.

Structured Capital Financing Loans

For businesses that can not provide sufficient collateral to secure a commercial loan, a complex and multi-level approach to structuring the transaction makes it possible to successfully receive venture capital funding, without any collateral from the client. This category of capital procurement requires extensive inside financial industry knowledge, legal and negotiating expertise, and direct, active professional support.

Working with financiers to structure conditional purchase of discounted collateral and other guarantee instruments, Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. can reliably obtain full, once-source funding from venture capital lending banks. The core of this mechanism is third parties, usually other banks, financial institutions or insurance companies. These collateral providers either partially or fully back the loan from the source, with little or no risk to the receiving company.

Fairness and Non-Discrimination Policies
Each structured funding package organized by Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.  includes risk management and collateral procurement mechanisms built into the process. This approach both serves to keep interest rates lower, and also results in increased fairness and more favorable consideration of proposed businesses in developing countries. Ratings for countries such as Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s are considered irrelevant, since it is widely recognized that very successful and profitable businesses can be established even under highly adverse or unstable conditions.

Funding sources and their representatives who work closely with Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.  have repeatedly verified and confirmed that the investment banks in Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. network donot discriminate against any country, unless it is un-insurable, or on governmental terrorism lists. Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. European and American funding sources have firmly established rules that all projects must be assessed for risk only on the basis of the merits of each proposed project. Similarly, the interest rate for approved capital financing loans is based exclusively upon the risk factors of the business strategies for each individual project, and no “country risk” factors are used.

Reliable Results for Investment and Project Financing

The reliable procurement of capital funds is not a myth, but an unavoidable reality. The mission of funding sources is in fact to give working capital, not to withhold it. They are under significant pressure from contractual obligations with constituent investors, pension funds, trusts or even government agencies to make active use of funds to realize gains. Underperformance or inactivity results in damage to the source’s reputation, and even loss of rights to manage the entrusted funds.

Applying extensive professional resources, intellectual property, and effective strategies, it is only a matter of time before a professional services firm obtains an approval and offer from a source on favorable terms.

During over 6 years of professional practice, the Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. success rate for obtaining approval of client projects and offers from collateral providers and capital funding sources is more than 50%.

Although not every collateral provider and every source accept or approve each particular project, the resources, methods and persistent work of Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. allow us to maintain and repeat this record of reliability.

How to Start the Investment Process

Whether you are looking to finance one commercial project, a joint venture, or your whole company, the best way to start is by talking to a Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. project manager for a free consultation.

We will work with you to identify your goals, assess the best category of venture capital sources for your business, determine a target strategy, and help you pick the professional services that will be most cost-effective and work best for you.

Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.

And Joe Tufo

Why We Say NO! A Lot and Mean It


Many times throughout each day we receive calls from referrals, referral partners, past clients, current clients, prospective clients, or someone who Googled one of our websites.

Invariably, your project or start-up is “the greatest thing since sliced bread,” is a “billion dollar idea,” We’d “be a fool if we didn’t drop everything and devote all our time for free to get you funded.”

To each of you who expect us to work for free we have this to say – NO! NO! NO! A thousand times NO!


It’s not that we’re uninterested or impolite it’s just that we’ve heard it thousands of times. Here’s our responses:

  • Do we have the time?
  • Will we feel pressured to get it done?
  • Will we be upset with ourself?
  • Will we be resentful of the other person?
  • Will we feel duped, had, or swindled?
  • What do we have to give up to do this?
  • What can we gain (What’s in it for us?)

No is our first option instead of the propensity to say yes that emanates from wanting to please, wanting to be liked, needing to be needed, being timid, avoiding confrontation, not knowing our rights, or feeling: plain and simple, that we should.

We’re in the consulting and funding business. With 33 years (November 1976 to present) of financial services experience in insurance, securities, and finance we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

We charge a fee because we do this full-time: 50 hours scheduled a week plus another 20+ working on the websites, writing articles and newsletters, recording audio and video, holding webinars and other tasks to help each  of you.

We take on committed paying clients and then focus all of our effort and energy in getting them funded.

Even at that we fail more than half of the time.

In our 10+ years experience in this business about 1/3 of what crosses our desks we can fund (you may not like the rates, terms and conditions but we can fund you), 1/3 is DOA – Dead on Arrival – even with the thousands of pages of information we’ve published, dozens of books and courses we’ve published – let’s face it many of you can’t or won’t follow instructions, and the final 1/3rd is broken: your credit sucks, you have no business credit profile, you have more than three inquiries, you have derogatories, liens and judgments – you’re a mess and it will take days, weeks, months, or years to fix.

Joseph P. Tufo, President

Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
Let Us Help You Get Funded:

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:   joe@joetufo.com
Twitter:     https://twitter.com/joetufo
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/joetufo
Google Profile: http://www.google.com/profiles/jptufo

Fee and Commission Based.

Private Client Services $50,000 to $500,000,000+, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to $2 Billion, SBA Loans, Commercial Loans, Private & Hard Money Loans, Asset Monetization, Proof Of Funds and More.
Ask about how to self-liquidate and self-fund a project (hint: you need a minimum of 10% to 15% in cash)

We make NO INTEREST loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds.

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow
Distressed Debt Opportunities: http://workingcapitalfast.com/distressed-debt-opportunities

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer