Right From The Heart
Hard Money Conference February 25th Las Vegas, 100% Commercial JV, Monster Corps, Investment Opportunities, 20100224
Greetings from beautiful Las Vegas area where temperatures are in the low 70’s and the sky is blue!
I’ve been in Las Vegas since 1:50PM today. I’m in town for Leonard’s Hard Money Conference. I return Friday afternoon to the Bay Area.
If you are located in Las Vegas and can meet me at The Monte I’ll be happy to meet with you. As of Thursday February 18th I had six people scheduled to meet with me: first come, first served. I’ll need an agenda.
I expect to be back in the office at my desk 7AM Monday March 1st. I am accessible by cell as you will discover.
I met with Chris who has access to trading programs, Wednesday February 17th. I have written about Chris several times. Here are two articles that you can access through our private subscription site: http://joetufo.com/blog/leased-cash-private-placement-platform-trades and http://joetufo.com/blog/trading-programs-from-chris-a-seasoned-trader
If you have a Project that needs Funding this may be a solution for you. Visit the http://www.joetufo.com/blog sitye for details:
**NEW DTC FEES EFFECTIVE 2-16-2010**The BLOCKING FEE is based on the amount requested as follows:
375,000 Euros for CD amount between- 1 Million -10 Million =
(CONVERSION RATE 2.16.2010 is 1.36) = $510,000 USD
475,000 Euros for CD amount between -20 Million – 100 Million =
(CONVERSION RATE 2.16.2010 is 1.36) = $646,000 USD
590,000 Euros for CD amount between- 101 Million – 200 Million =
CONVERSION RATE 2.16.2010 is 1.36) = $802,400 USD
690,000 Euros for CD amount between- 201 Million – 300 Million =
CONVERSION RATE 2.16.2010 is 1.36) = $938,400 USD
790,000 Euros for CD amount between- 301 Million – 400 Million =
CONVERSION RATE 2.16.2010 is 1.36) = $1,074,400 USD
890,000 Euros for CD amount between 401 Million – 500 Million =
CONVERSION RATE 2.16.2010 is 1.36) = $1,210,400 USD
Note: All Blocking Fee rates are subject to change. Fee effective date 2-16-2010
Prices subject to change.
This came in Thursday February 11th:
Joe:Sorry for such the delay, but I’ve just checked my e-mail for the first time in three weeks. I’ve been out of touch for a while dealing with some family issues. But I wanted to send my condolences in regards to your mother and your friend Max. I hope you find some solace in the fact that they are in a better place…
If there’s anything I can do to help, don’t hesitate to call. Having said that, there is an opportunity I wish to discuss with you. I’ll be in touch as soon as I have enough information to explain. Good day sir and thank you for what you’ve taught me about the finance and business in general. Warm regards, Bruce |
This came in February 17th:
Hello Joe,
I apologize for not being in touch much sooner to extend my sincerest
condolences for the death of your mother. My husband was hospitalized
for a period of time, and I just had the chance to check emails and
Please know that my heart, thoughts and spirit are with you as you are
experiencing this trying time. If there is any way that I can be of
help, please don’t hesitate to ask. You are quite special to me Joe ~
even though we have never met face to face ~ and my wish is to help
you in any way possible! Just say the word!
Take care of yourself and know that I am here for you…..
Much love and respect to you and your family.
I’ll be in Las Vegas for my good friend Leonard’s Hard Money Conference February 25th at the Monte Carlo.
If you choose to attend be sure to put TUFO in the coupon code to receive two tickets for the price of one. That’s a savings for two of $595 to $895.
This came from Leonard February 2nd:
Thanks…Joe, you are a good friend.
Here’s my itinerary. I’m flying Virgin Atlantic:
24-Feb-2010 | 260 | SAN FRANCISCO, CA (SFO) 12:10 PM | LAS VEGAS, NV (LAS) 01:50 PM | 0 |
26-Feb-2010 | 909 | LAS VEGAS, NV (LAS) 03:55 PM | SAN FRANCISCO, CA (SFO) 05:25 PM | 0 |
If you’re located in Vegas you’re welcome to meet with me at The Monte Carlo. I will not have a car.
Some object to paying fees and the others don’t because they see value in what we do. This came in February 18th:
Hi Joe,
We had a board meeting and we agreed to issue you 500,000 shares of NGSEM stock in order for you to “clear your desk” and assist us in the financing of the $24 million. If this is agreeable to you, I will issue a formal agreement letter, or if you have one that you prefer, to finalize our arrangement with you. We look forward to working with you and have a continuing relationship. By the way, do you like our new logo?
The key to funding has always been presentation – in fact, poor presentation is the very reason that otherwise great ideas and great projects never receive attention; conversely inferior ideas and projects are funded because the principals made an investment in learning how to get their idea or project funded.
If you have a Large Project that requires funding you may be interested in an 8-Week Course that we are producing: http://joetufo.com/blog/large-project-class
Week 1 – Course Overview – What Will You Learn?-What is Large Project Funding?Week 2 – The Power of Your Executive Summary – The First Key to Successful Funding
Week 3 – The Power of Your Bio’s – The Second Key to Successful Funding
Week 4 – The Power of Your Detailed Use of Funds – The Third Key to Successful Funding
Week 5 – The Power of Your 5-Year Proforma and Exit Strategy – The Fourth Key to Successful Funding
Week 6 – Putting It All Together – Your Presentation and Proof of Funds
Week 7 – Current Funding Sources and Available Programs
Week 8 – Wrap-Up – What Do You Do Next?
Bonus Week– Q&A With Joe and Large Project Funding Sources
Our websites feature our Business Creed and a pre-qualification application.http://joetufo.com/blog/welcome-to-cash-flow-specialists-inc
$20M UP TO $150M +
*NCC/Partners will take a JV/Equity position of 10% to 49%
The percentage will vary depending on the amount of capital into the project, collateral, and risk factors.
No Loan To Repay – No Up Front Fees.
*NCC/Partners require any 3RD party reports-if needed- and Principal’s & NCC/Partners Attorney fees to be covered and paid for by the principal. Payment will be paid directly to the 3RD party and not to NCC/Partners.
Existing reports can be used in most cases (i.e. appraisal, phase 1, etc…)
If reports are needed the principal will pay the venders direct.
Need The Projects Executive Summary (NO BROKER LOGO FORMS)-Narrative- (Tell-Me-The-Story) – (Proof of Funds) (Proof of Collateral) -showing that the client has Strong Collateral Reserves in their account or projects account and that there is capital into the project.
The Collateral Reserves can be Cash, Municipal Bond, Performance Bond, Sovereign Bond if outside the USA or Cash Backed Instruments (SBLC, BG etc. (Owned not Leased)
(Pre-Sales or Deposits and or Attorney/Title Escrow accounts can not be used)
The Reserves funds can not be leased or blocked funds. These funds have to belong to the principal or project. These funds are not moved and not used. (Reserves requirement)
PROOF OF FUNDS- Proof-Of-Funds (POF) can be a Sanitized recent Bank Statement or Tear Sheet. (White-out or Black-out account numbers) Or Standard, 2 Banker-Signed, SKR Letter. Not a free form Swift.
Municipal Bond, Performance Bonds, Sovereign Bond or Cash Backed Instruments- (Need copy)
(Asset Monetizing is also available, request for Asset information and procedures.)
Need a Copy of the Paper Asset & Statement.
NCC/Partners are a Private Equity Joint Venture Investor and are collateralized by a 501C3, Real Estate Holdings and Secured Asset Management Program.
Please feel free to contact me personally should you have any questions.
And Joe Tufo
Large Project Funding $600m to $5b
[9:25:06 AM] PVALLC:
We are able to provide large project financing through our Swiss based private trust under the auspices of the International FED.
We seek to fund projects needing capital infusion from $600M to $5B.
Our process provides the capital needed as a grant.
The client has no repayment obligation.
This is an “open kimono” transparent process for clients.
The trust will fund world wide beneficial projects. Think Economic Growth.
The client retains ownership of all projects and their future cash flows.
All final negotiations are done in Switzerland. It is at that time that clients receive full transparent and open disclosure in private meetings.
Clients must verify ownership of at least $100M USD capital to be eligible.
I introduced Carl who has a client with $100m liquid to Mitch and we had an 11-minute conference call this morning. The $100m will yield a $600m grant in one year and can be doubled to $1.2b in two years.
Monster Corporation Update
Hector and Peter fund new corporations about 30% of the time. They have three sizes of funding available:
$500,000 $38,000 up front and 12% back end fee
$1,500,000 $75,000 up front and 12% back end fee
$2,000,000 $95,000 up front and 12% back end fee
You can read more here:
and here:
I was surprised to learn that 70% of the time they fund existing corporations who, for whatever reason, strike out with local banks.
In my experience, funding is all about presentation.
Hector and Peter funded a manufacturer that had been in business for several years. The president of the company had visited three banks and was turned down by each bank.
They paid a fee to Hector and Peter. They cooperated with the process and within 60 business days were funded $4,450,000!
Isn’t that amazing? Here was a company that had been in business for many years. Their books were a mess. They hadn’t filed corporate income taxes in two years.
Hector and Peter put down their heads and rolled up their sleeves and got the company to do exactly what they were told to do. That’s what it takes to get funding: pay the fee for professional services, mutual cooperation, up-to-date books, current tax returns, and paying a back end fee.
What did it cost? $30,000 up front and about $534,000 back end. Was it worth it? They thought so.
The largest funding to date was in November 2008 for $14,500,000. That company used the money to more than double their work force from 55 to 125. Sales increased by more than double too and more importantly the value of the business increased from $22m to $52m.
Looking for a way to generate a badly needed cash injection?
If you have a minimum 700 FICO score on all three bureaus, have no more than a 30% debt to high credit limit or are willing to pay down debt, can wait 60 business days, are mutually cooperative, have a good executive summary, bio’s of key people, a detailed use of funds, a five-year pro-forma and powerful exit strategy with the funds to get started call me at 1-800-669-2700.
With your corporation: Funding from $100K – $10M based on qualifications ( some of you may have a very strong company with verifiable tax returns, hence larger funding amounts)
– Backend Success fee applies
– Personal Guarantee Required
– Experienced consultants to guide you through the process
– Proven track record
Qualification Requirements
Applicants must have:
– A login and password to: http://www.creditchecktotal.com
– No collections, charge offs, bankruptcies or judgments.
– No late payments
– At least a 700 mid FICO score
– At least 6 years of credit history with 3 open and active trade lines
– All installments and revolving accounts should have balances under 30%
With our affordable and reliable platform we are able to maximize your credit rating and obtain the funding you need. Our team of dedicated service professionals are standing by to offer help in credit improvement and loan services. This may be the solution for all of your essential needs We look forward to making a friend for life.
Who We Are
We are a team of business consultants, legal advisors, and loan specialists who are not afraid to talk to you directly.
While most websites today want you to place online orders, we will consult with you first and explain each procedure and walk you through on each and every step.
We have PAYDEX and Experian credit enhancement services available.
From our Working Capital Fast website
- Business Credit Enhancement Program
- Business Line of Credit (BLOC) Application
- Church Loan Application
- Derogatory Removal Service – Guaranteed Results!
- Factoring and Accounts Receivable Financing
- Hard Money Application
- Merchant Cash Advance
- Merchant Cash Advance GBRC Application
- Referral Program
Please remember that we have two primary websites:
Working Capital Fast is a free site for the general public.
Our corporate website is a subscription site that archives newsletters, audio, video, advanced alternative funding solutions, proprietary products, and confidential solutions that we don’t want the general public to access without subscribing.
How We Work
Our websites are at http://www.workingcapitalfast.com which is about 600 pages (January ’10) and http://www.joetufo.com/blog our subscription site which has about three times the content. It also archives the newsletters.
Our websites feature our Business Creed and a pre-qualification application. We offer a one-time FREE 20-minute consultation to those who complete the questionnaire completely. This is a $333.34 value based on our hourly consulting fee. Of course, you may purchase additional time at http://www.joetufo.com/consulting
We work one of two ways:
Priority – If you want us to “Clear The Decks” put our heads down and get to work you’ll honor us by paying a fee for six months of service. You may renew after that time.
When you hire us to work on a priority basis we thoroughly study your submission package to make sure that it complies with our recommended Road Map to Funding Success. Funding has always been about presentation. Those who present well are funded. Those who don’t present well are not funded.
The key ingredients to funding success, in our experience, have been:
- A powerful Executive Summary of one to four pages. You can purchase our template and video review at http://www.joetufo.com/roadmap
- Bio’s of key personnel.
- A detailed use of funds broken down monthly for the first year and quarterly thereafter.
- A 5-year proforma and written Exit Strategy.
When we meet face-to-face we’ll review the following questions:
• What do you expect from us?
• What is your current pain?
• What keeps you awake at night?
• How do you see us helping you address these challenges and opportunities?
• What growth plans do you have?
• If price were not an issue, what role would you want us to play in your business?
• Do you expect capital needs? New financing?
• Do you anticipate any mergers, purchases, divestitures, recapitalizations, or reorganizations in the near future?
• We know you are investing in total quality service, as are we. What are the service standards you would like for us to provide you?
• How important is our satisfaction guarantee to you?
• How important is rapid response? What do you consider rapid response?
• Why are you changing professionals? What did you not like about your former firm that you do not want us to repeat?*
• How did you enjoy working with your former firm?**
• Do you envision any other changes in your needs?
• Are you concerned about any of your asset, liability, or income statement accounts to which we should pay particularly close attention?
• If we were to attend certain of your internal management meetings as observers, would you be comfortable with that?
• How do you suggest we best learn about your business so we can relate your operations to the financial information and so we can be more proactive in helping you maximize your business success?
• May our associates tour your facilities?
• What trade journals do you read? What seminars and trade shows do you regularly attend? Would it be possible for us to attend these with you?
• What is your budget for this type of service?
* We never denigrate the predecessor. First, this insults you and reminds you of a poor decision. Second, it diminishes respect and confidence in the profession as a whole and lowers the public’s perception of our professionalism.
** Even though you are changing firms, it is almost certain that you liked certain characteristics of the predecessor. We want to find out what those were and exceed them. For instance, if you said the prior firm always returned phone calls within one day, we strive to return phone calls within four hours.
Non-Priority – If you think that you’ve “nailed it” when preparing the four key ingredients to funding success, and you aren’t in any hurry at all to fund and aren’t quite ready to pay consultation fees then we’ll take a look at your project when we can get to it. After we look at it we may need to send it back because you don’t meet our requirements. (Priority Clients get major help from us in cleaning up their submission.) We’ll return your calls and emails when we can: after all, priority clients come first.
We reserve the right to review each submission once, beyond that our consultation fee will be required. You had better complete the submission request correctly the first time or you better get familiar with our websites mentioned above. If you submit for free we can’t spend a lot of time. It’s not fair to us, our families, or our Priority Clients.
In our experience we can fund 1/3 of the files that cross our desks, 1/3 are DOA Dead on Arrival, and the final 1/3 are broken and need to go through some form of remediation which can take hours, days, weeks, months, or years.
With 33 years of Financial Services experience we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.
Matthew 5:2-12
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
We are available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer. Kindly visit our websites for more information and complete our online application so that we’re prepared before calling you.
Joe Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
Fee and Commission Based.
Your #1 Alternative Funding Source. Call Us When Your Banker Says NO!!!
Business and Personal Lines of Credit $50,000 to $10,000,000, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to No Limit, Commercial Loans, SBA Loans, Hard Money Loans, Church Loans, Factoring, Accounts Receivable Funding, Merchant Cash Advance.
Speaker, Writer, and Seminar Leader
Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.
Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow
The program that I use to attain my goals:
Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer
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