Right From The Heat: Here To Serve You And Those Whom You Choose To Refer, New Publishing Schedule, Out of Ground Assets, Testimonies, Proof of Funds, Hard Money, Get Ready Questions and More 20100428

Right From The Heat: Here To Serve You And Those Whom You Choose To Refer, New Publishing Schedule, Out of Ground Assets, Testimonies, Proof of Funds, Hard Money, Get Ready Questions and More 20100428

Greetings from the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area where temperatures are in the mid-60’s: the sky is partly cloudy and rainfall has exceeded normal for the first time in years, Praise God!


Sunday April 25th we exceeded the bandwidth capacity again. Dale added another gig four days ago. Viewership is way, way up! Thank you! Here was the message I saw:

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

We’re changing the way that we Market and promote our websites. If you’d like to learn more about what we’re doing visit: http://www.TrafficGeyser.com/cmd.php?af=33538

This new marketing tool will help you build your business too!

We’ve gone to a publishing schedule for the first time in 10+ years:

Monday: Monster Corporations, Business Lines of Credit $50,000 to $14,800,000

Tuesday: International Hard Money Conference and Access to Hard Money Funding $500,000 to $100,000,000

Wednesday: Newsletter

Thursday: Proof of Funds, SBLC, BG, Bank Instruments and More

Friday: Large Project Funding $20m+, 100% True JV, Trade Programs

Saturday: Down Payment Assistance Programs

Sunday: Credit Restoration, Derogatory Removal, Inquiry Removal, Business Credit Enhancement

Dale and I are looking for “Don’t Wanter” Real Estate. If you know of properties kindly refer them to me joe@joetufo.com We pay referral fees.

We had a referral partner bring a $1.72 billion precious gem collection for monetization Friday April 16th. Here’s what I sent them:


Get as much as possible as to all that applies.

Can monetize up to 90%LTV

The $ can then be placed into our Trade Platforms.

Send at the same time, do not piece mail.


Precious Metals-Gold/Silver/Ore, etc. Precious Stones, Gems, Rubies Emeralds, Diamonds, Sapphire, Rare Coins MuseumQuality Antiques & Art works.



















Trisha wrote asking about T-strips Saturday, April 24th:

i have a real buyer,, for t strips.. it is a bank.. and hedgefund.. I had the strips for them .. [ but the seller is sick, and I don’t want to lose this client…question
do you have someone that is selling t strips that is on the seller side… ? these people will buy.. and they also have with them x badge caring treasury officers.. and they are ready to go officer to officer


I replied with this:

Direct To Programs and Providers
Also available for further monetization & Instruments for Purchase;
Seasoned/Slightly Seasoned T-Strips BG’S & MTN’S
If your goal is mainly to earn a Safe and High Yield
Slightly Seasoned T-Strips, BG’s, & MTN’S Managed OR -Buy-Sell Trading Programs

Here’s what I received and sent Sunday April 26th before leaving for church:

I’m off to church. I work M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific. I received this moments ago:

A- I am direct with several major Principal’s/Commitment Holder/Trader

For (Wholesale) – FC/SS-SEND LOI with POF-

B- My Trust has 2 Foundations;

For Retail- (S) -Need the buyer’s procedures with LOI

Then we can match up buyer with seller.

We can issue elements of the asset principal to principal once we know who we are dealing with.

C- Commitment Holder/Trader-SELLER

Screen Block & Pay (ATP)-NO SWIFT- Settlement at ECB

If you have any questions, please contact me at any time of day or night.


As a Cadillac owner for many years this was Good News from GM:

Dear Joe,

We are proud to announce we have repaid our government loan – in full, with interest, five years ahead of the original schedule. We realize we still have more to do. Our goal is to exceed every expectation you’ve set for us. We’re designing, building and selling the best cars and trucks in the world. Like the award-winning Chevy Malibu, the all-new Buick LaCrosse, the versatile Cadillac CTS Sport Wagon and the innovative GMC Terrain, just to name a few. We invite you to learn more about the new GM and join our community, by visiting gm.com.

Susan E. Docherty
Vice President, U.S. Marketing

Here’s a testimony from a referral partner that was received Friday April 16th:

My Name is Kurt Henry and I’m a financial and Commodities Broker, I’ve Known Joe Tufo since the Fall of 2007, he came highly recommended to me from a couple of my business partners at the time.

Joe has been a Consultant, Mentor, and a good friend ever since, I’ve recommend Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. to over 200 people within the last 3 years and I always pass on Joe’s Monthly Newsletters to several business associates of mind.

I think very highly of Joe Tufo and Cash Flow Specialists, Inc, I’ve seen several companies similar to Tufo’s company around the country but none of them has the integrity and success rate as Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.

Kurt Henry
Gxxxxx Enterprise Inc.

Here’s an email Mark Molenaar sent to Jim Thursday April 22nd:

I strongly encourage you to read the email below and contact Joe Tufo about funding your green growth technology project!

I have followed Joe for several years and he is one of the guys I first thought of to put you in contact with. I’ve reviewed several projects with him and really appreciate his approach to funding and taking care of business. He’s a straight shooter and won’t waste your time. The only reason I didn’t refer you to him already last summer was that we were focused on finding a “proof of funds” lender and the lenders on his hot list at the time were similar to what you already had, but wasn’t proof of funds…. But guess what, I just got this email from Joe last week and it is specifically targeted to your needs. Please email or call him directly and let me know how it goes.


I believe this project will be right up your alley. Jim is CEO of a company called “Green Growth Technology”, they are men of integrity, they have excellent due diligence, and they have a compelling project with potential to generate over $250,000,000 within the first year operation.

But as is far too familiar, they haven’t been able to secure the funding necessary to put the plan into action. They had an investor in 2008 that was forced to back out in early 2009 due to economy (sound familiar?). Now they have a letter of intent for $17,000,000 but need proof of funds and its been hard to come by, and maybe we were just talking with the wrong investors (aka: not you). Your explanation below is exactly what we were trying to find and create last fall. This would be good.

My friend’s company has first rights to a land acquisition for a green technology park and mining operations – significant land resources for anthrocite, and butanol with a captive high BTU fuel supply at an extremely low $/mmBTU price. In addition to the full scale butanol projects, this site offers significant opportunities to divest the various non-core assets to provide both a return of invested capital as well as funds to further the mining development other power and fuel developments such as a coal to liquids facility, a synthetic natural gas facility, a natural gas combined cycle project, wind power project, and solar power project. In addition, if GGT is able to finish the first stage of this project, they have also secured the rights to purchase a significantly larger property to expand operational capacity. That could potentially include raising $100-300M funds which you and your affiliates may very well be able to provide.

Anyhow, I’m excited because I think this is really finally doable. Please anticipate a call in a few days.

Best Regards, I appreciate hearing how you’re still able to help people find funding in this economy.

Mark Molenaar

On 4/15/10 3:20 PM, “poMMo tufoteam.com” wrote:

Proof of Funds

We are committed to guiding you through today’s complicated credit environment by targeting your specific needs to insure future success for your business and yourself!

Types of processes our products assist with:
Net worth enhancements
Show of Downpayment
Bond requirement
Reserved or Blocked funds
Video Production
Real Estate
Oil and Commodity
Fund you Large Commercial projects
Credit enhancement
Proof of Collateral / Liquidity
Qualify for financing
Proof of Funds & Letters of Credit
Welcome to our boutique of financial instruments:
We offer proof of funds with financial backing of over $500billion in assets. Our funds are fully verifiable via bank swift (MT760, MT799, MT999 & MT103/23), bank call, VOD or soft escrow etc. Written Confirmations from 1 to 366 days up to $5B. Clients have utilized these funds for a variety of reasons. These programs aren’t to be used for any Arms, Drugs or any other transaction that are illegal. We do not qualify the use of these accounts.

Our programs exist of but are not limited to:

PROOF OF FUNDS – Investment Brokerage Account: Great to enhance and leverage your transactions with large funds at low costs.

PROOF OF FUNDS LETTER – Investment Brokerage Account: Works very well for Real Estate show of assets.

PROOF OF FUNDS – Top Bank: Enables clients to enter into new arenas of high yield opportunities.

LETTERS OF CREDIT – Investment Brokerage Account: SBLC- BG- DLC Etc. Great for Import/Export and other large transactions.

LETTERS OF CREDIT – Top Banks: Leverage large projects for high volume funding.


This is a Forex Master Trading Account.
Yes… it is cash backed.
This account offers seasoning by request.
Amounts from $50K to $5B and at times higher.
VOD, phone and fax verifiable.
Swift MT799 by request for additional costs.
Funds can be blocked for the transaction and Administrative holds are available.

Great for showing proof of assets for real estate and other business transactions.
Verifiable by standard VOD, phone and fax verification.
Very inexpensive method of proof of fund.

Cash Backed.
Top Bank.
Master Account.
8 week programs with extensions.
Starting from $1M and up.
MT799, MT760 Ping or Fax verification.
Blocked and reserved for the transaction.

SBLC/SLOC: Standby Letter of Credit.
DLC: Documentary Letter of Credit.
BCL: Bank Capabilities Letter.
BG: Bank Guarantee.
Up to $10B.
1 to 13 months with extensions.
Great for Import/Export and commodities.
Large transactions.

– This acts as a guarantee of payment issued by a financial entity on behalf of a client that is used as “payment of last resort” should the client fail to fulfill a contractual commitment with a third party. Standby letters of credit are created as a sign of good faith in business transactions, and are proof of a buyer’s credit quality and repayment ability. The financial entity issuing the SLOC/SBLC will perform brief underwriting duties to ensure the viability of the contract and transaction, as well as the integrity of the party seeking the letter of credit. Typically, the letter of credit is cancelled as soon as the terms of the contract have been met by the purchaser or borrower. After due-diligence is concluded, the issuing process is 2-3 days.
Top US and European Banks
Leverage Funding

We pride ourselves with our success track record and effectiveness to produce results for you. Consider us your complete one stop source for Proof of Funds. Ask about our broker network program. Please note our arrangement fee is upfront (through escrow) and not as a success fee.

Procedures and Forms
1. Client, or client’s representative, will provide the necessary information to provide a quote. The minimum information needed is: the client’s name, email address, telephone number, and physical address, account funding amount, account term and type of account verification required.

2. A Term Sheet will be issued for the amount of funds requested by the Client. The Term Sheet will stipulate the Arrangement Fee, refundable processing costs, escrow fee and include a short application.

3. Upon receipt of the signed Term Sheet, processing fee, escrow fee, application and proof of ability to deposit the Arrangement Fee in the Escrow Account, a Principal Agreement will be issued detailing how the Proof of Funds is to be provided. The agreement will include provisions concerning delivery of confirmation documentation and terms of account use. Escrow instructions will also be provided so that the initial Arrangement Fee can be deposited by the Client into the Escrow Trust Account. It is a condition in the Escrow Agreement that in the event we do not open the Proof of Funds account, the Arrangement Fee will be returned in full to the Client by the Escrow Agent.

4. Concurrent with the Client’s execution of the Principal Agreement, the Client must deposit the initial Arrangement Fee into the Escrow Account. The Client will be required to provide the necessary documentation to complete the account establishment process. This information will include color copies of photo ID’s for all signatories; a second ID including address; Certificate of Good Standing or Incorporation, if applicant is a company; Employer Identification Number (if applicable) and Corporate resolutions (if applicable) and social security numbers for individuals. The Client will be a signatory on the account, but will be unable to conduct transactions or encumber the funds in the account in any manner.

5. Upon confirmation that the Arrangement Fee has been deposited by the Client into the Escrow Trust Account, the Proof of Funds Account will be opened in the Client’s name, and funds will be deposited into the POF account in the amount stipulated in the Principal Agreement.

6. The Arrangement Fee is released from the Trust Account when confirmation is provided to the Escrow Agent that the account has been set up in the client’s name, and that the appropriate funds have been deposited as stipulated in the Principal Agreement.

7. The Proof of Funds account will remain open for the Client’s use for the period of time stated in the Principal Agreement, and conditionally, may be extended through mutual agreement, and payment by the Client of the Arrangement Fee for such extensions, within five (5) days of the expiration of the current term.

Frequently Asked Questions
Proof of funds: blocked funds in a cash account with the client (personal or business name) on the account (master account) for a specified term. These moneys are not available to draw against, encumber … Etc.

Why do I need to pay your fee before you open the letter of credit? Can’t you take your fee out of the profits of our transaction?
We do not participate in the transactions of our clients as a party to the transaction other than providing the Letter of Credit. Our fees are the same regardless of the profit margin in the transaction.

Can I cancel my letter of credit after it has been opened?
All of the instruments that we issue are irrevocable and cannot be canceled except by the beneficiary.

What is the required cost to open a letter of credit?
We require an amount equal to ___% of the face value although in some instances the required amount may increase due to the amount of risk involved. When a client wishes to open a letter of credit, they are to present the details of the transaction so that we can make a decision based on its merit.

What is the maximum size letter of credit that you open?
We are able to open letters of credit of almost any size. We consider the complexity of the transaction such as the product that is being traded as well as other factors having to do with the parties involved and where they take place.

For what type of goods do you open letter of credit?
We can open letters of credit for any type of goods provided they fall into our ethical and legal criteria. That said, we will not get involved in transactions involving weaponry or ammunition under any circumstances.

I opened a letter of credit to my supplier, but he did not ship the goods.
Will you refund my fee?
Once the letter of credit is opened your fee cannot be refunded. We recommend to all of our clients that they need to assure themselves of their suppliers’ ability to perform before opening any banking instruments to them.

DISCLAIMER: Sender is NOT a United States Securities Dealer or Broker or U.S. Investment Adviser. Sender is a consultant and makes no warranties or representations as to the buyer, seller or transaction. All due diligence is the responsibility of the buyer and seller. This E-mail letter and the attached related documents are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. This document including any attachments hereto is a response to a formal request of information only. Upon receipt of these documents, the Recipient hereby acknowledges this disclaimer. These documents are not from any banking or other Institution. We do not provide securities or securities-related advice. No information herein shall be construed as a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering in any way. These Confidential communications are protected under Gramm-Leach-Bailey Act 15 USC, Subchapter 1, sections 6801-6809 and other laws addressing the disclosure of Non-Public Personal Information.
This just came in from a Hard Money lender that I know here in CA Wednesday April 28th:
Multi family-5+units-We have an extreme appetite for this asset class.

Mixed use-We have an extreme appetite for this asset class.



Light industrial

Groups of n/o/o condos

Rehabs loans for multifamily.

California ONLY

O/O and N/O/O Residential.(SFR,Condos,2-4 units). We also have an extreme appetite for this asset class!

Properties I will consider:


Mobile home parks

Motel and Hotels flagged and non flagged-in conjunction with a capital partner

Gas Stations branded and non branded–in conjunction with a capital partner

Properties I will NOT lend on:




And yes Land




Golf courses-yes even if its Tiger Woods personal course.


Water treatment plants

Fish Farms

Coal deposits

Oil refineries

Geo thermal power plants

Nuclear power plants

Clean green alternative fuel power plants

Cruise ships

Disney Land-yes even if Mickey is going to personally guarantee it.


Up to 65% on really good deals.

Loan amounts

In house

Commercial-up to 1 to 5+ million and as low as 25K.

Trophy homes-up to 5 million!

Lien position:

1st only

To submit a package just send me the following:

-Executive summary

-1003 or PFS


-Pictures of property-if commercial property

When you call us for help here are some of the questions that I’ll be asking you:
Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. Pre-Qualification Questions

Who referred you to us?

What did they say about us?

Have you visited our websites to see how we do business?

Do you understand that you will pay a consultation fee to move your project forward?

How much money are you looking for?

When do you need it?

Do you have an Executive Summary that is one to four pages long?

Do you have a written Business Plan?

Do you have bio’s of key people prepared?

Do you have a detailed use of funds broken down monthly for the first year and quarterly thereafter?

Do you have a 5-year proforma?

Do you have a written Exit Strategy?

Do you have a tri-merge credit report dated within the past 30 days that you personally pulled?

What was your credit score when you last pulled it?

Have you filed bankruptcy?

Have you had a foreclosure or given your keys back to a lender?

How many liens or judgments do you have?

How many derogatories?

How many inquiries?

Are you a paid member of http://www.CreditCheckTotal.com?

Are you willing to have a 3rd party verification service record your understanding of our fully earned, non-refundable consultation fee?

Do you have a personal financial statement dated within the past 60 days?

Do you have a business financial statement dated within the past 60 days?

Do you have the past three years of business tax returns?

Do you have the past three years of personal tax returns?

Philippians 4:11-13
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

If you don’t have integrity, you have nothing. You can’t buy it. You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not a moral and ethical person, you really have nothing.
Henry Kravis


As always we are available M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

If you have an emergency and absolutely need my help after hours and on weekends call my cell phone at 925-352-6000. I will call back when I can.


Bonnie, Katie, and Mike will be arriving Friday, June 11th and returning to Racine, WI Wednesday August, 25th. I will NOT be working Saturdays in the summer. please pray for reconcilement and remarriage for Bonnie and I. We were married for 34 years. I have loved Bonnie for more than 40 years.


Joe Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
SKYPE: jptufo
Follow me on FaceBook!
Follow me on Twitter!

Fee and Commission Based.

Your #1 Alternative Funding Source. Call Us When Your Banker Says NO!!!

Business and Personal Lines of Credit $50,000 to $10,000,000, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to No Limit, Commercial Loans, SBA Loans, Hard Money Loans, Church Loans, Factoring, Accounts Receivable Funding, Merchant Cash Advance.

Speaker, Writer, and Seminar Leader

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

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