T-Strips, Seasoned BG’s, Seasoned MTN’s, Managed Trading-Buy Sell Programs

(A) Seasoned T-Strips: 4 Different Direct Sellers:

(Sept. 16th Treasury Auction, prevailing price was 28+1)

(#1) 22%  + 1% Fee (from US Treasury subsidiary)

(#2) 22%  + 1% Fee (from European State Bank)

(#3) 22 % + 1% Fee alt=”Star emoticon” title=”Star emoticon” tabIndex=-1 MSNNonUserImageOrEmoticon=true>(major Trader via USA agent)

(#4) 24 % + 1% Fee alt=”Star emoticon” title=”Star emoticon” tabIndex=-1 MSNNonUserImageOrEmoticon=true> (from Major European Trader)
alt=”Star emoticon” title=”Star emoticon” tabIndex=-1 MSNNonUserImageOrEmoticon=true> See below comments on Fees, and other issues

(B) Seasoned BGs

Deutsche/London: 69%-to-77% (Price depends on contract size)

Different Seller than Seller of (A) or (C)

(C) Seasoned MTNs

Global unsubordinated MTNs @ 48+1

(D) Managed Trading and Buy-Sell Programs

See flyers

We require the Buyer to submit texts first.  No broker hide and seek please.

No provider will ever send out coordinates over the net to an unknown entity

Our compliance forms are sent directly to the client

For now just send buyers general LOI or LOR and YOUR FPA and you can provide a POF to start with as and introduction. (To Provider;)

We do not need his CIS/Passport information at this time. As you know we can not solicit as it is illegal-.S.E.C. & F.S.A. Laws and  MIFID regulations in UK and Europe.

Let’s first see if Buyer can comply.  If not, it’s all moot.  If yes, then we’ll solve all fee issues. I can get Attorney on the phone with buyer ASAP and close fast.

PROOF OF FUNDS– Proof-Of-Funds (POF) can be a sanitized recent Bank Statement or Tear Sheet works best.

(White-out or Black-out account numbers)

Or Standard, 2 Banker-Signed, SKR Letter from the depository bank: not a free form swift-(See attached samples) Please Feel free to make any necessary changes.

I am the last stop.  Next would be the Attorney.

We have an alliance to forums that have instruments if not issued from the Trust it will be from the Attorney to Treasury and a Landesbank and to Clearing/Cutting House or a Private holder of paper (one of the richest men in the world) depending on request and availability. As well as Trades/Buy-Sells/PPP.

Best Regards






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