This is an email that came in June 18, 2009:
I appreciate the reply. Thats great news on your successes!
If it is ok, I will save your contact information, and when I am in the position to work with upfront fees, I will contact you again. Without taking up too much more of your time, would you mind telling me what it takes for the project to be funding? You mentioned to another client that there is a 40-60% success rate when working with you. I would appreciate knowing what would guarantee the funding.
Thank you,
My response:
You need to subscribe to and study the posts and pages. I explain exactly what you need to do. You should also visit and purchase an hour of email consulting for $1,000.
There is never a guarantee of funding. What increases the ability to fund is mastering the four key ingredients to funding that I teach. It is covered on our website.
As always we are here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.
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